Annika Just

Annika Just

Abteilung Forschungssystem und Wissenschaftsdynamik
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
  • 030 2064177-16
  • 030 2064177-99

Liste der Projekte

Leider konnte für diese Suchkombination kein Ergebnis gefunden werden
Disziplinenspezifische Wissenstransferpraktiken: Erwartungen, Praktiken und Effekte des Wissenstransfers im disziplinären Vergleich (DiTraP)

Liste der Publikationen

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On epistemic properties and field-specific logics in the study of knowledge transfer: Empirical evidence on researchers’ productive interactions from a nationwide survey in Germany.

Janßen, M., & Just, A. (2023).
On epistemic properties and field-specific logics in the study of knowledge transfer: Empirical evidence on researchers’ productive interactions from a nationwide survey in Germany. 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023)., (Abgerufen am: 04.10.2023).

Researchers are increasingly expected to engage in knowledge transfer (KT), but often the specific expectations remain unclear. To approach the research object of KT, to map existing engagement and to identify barriers to KT, it is essential to include field-specific, discipline-based, and epistemic practice perspectives. Drawing on data from the 2019/2020 Science Survey, we demonstrate the necessity of these perspectives while incorporating the 'productive interaction' approach.

Vorträge & Tagungen

Liste der Vorträge & Tagungen

Leider konnte für diese Suchkombination kein Ergebnis gefunden werden

Researchers’ Disciplinary Perspectives on Science-Society Relations: Insights from an Online Survey on Knowledge Transfer.

Just, A., & Janßen, M. (2024, Mai).
Researchers’ Disciplinary Perspectives on Science-Society Relations: Insights from an Online Survey on Knowledge Transfer. Vortrag auf der Konferenz STS CONF GRAZ, TU Graz, Graz, Österreich.

On epistemic properties and field-specific logics in the study of knowledge transfer: Empirical evidence on researchers’ productive interactions from a nationwide survey in Germany.

Janßen, M., & Just, A. (2023, September).
On epistemic properties and field-specific logics in the study of knowledge transfer: Empirical evidence on researchers’ productive interactions from a nationwide survey in Germany. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023), Leiden, Niederlande.

On epistemic properties and field-specific logics - Exploring the potential of STS for the study of discipline-based knowledge transfer practices.

Janßen, M., & Just, A. (2023, Juni).
On epistemic properties and field-specific logics - Exploring the potential of STS for the study of discipline-based knowledge transfer practices. Vortrag auf der Konferenz RRC and c:o/re international conference "Nowhere(to)land? What Science Studies Contribute to Science Communication", Bonn.

In Zusammenarbeit