Prof. Dr. Peter van den Besselaar
Abteilung Forschungssystem und Wissenschaftsdynamik
- 030 2064177-0
- 030 2064177-99
Liste der Publikationen
13 Übereinstimmungen gefunden /
Gender bias in grant allocation shows a decline over time.van den Besselaar, P., Möller, T., Mom, C., Cruz-Castro, L., & Cruz-Castro, L. (2024).Gender bias in grant allocation shows a decline over time. In STI 2024 (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI2024). Berlin: STI2024. |
Is there gender bias in awarding cum laude for the PhD thesis?van den Besselaar, P., & Mom, C. (2024).Is there gender bias in awarding cum laude for the PhD thesis? Scientometrics, 1-23 (online first). Abstract
In the Dutch academic system, PhD theses can be awarded with cum laude and at most 5% of all PhD graduates receive this selective distinction for their thesis. In this paper, we investigate whether there is gender bias in awarding cum laude, using data from one of the major Dutch research universities. A main result is that the set of PhD theses receiving cum laude on average do not have a higher quality than the best theses not getting cum laude. A second main result is that, after controlling for the quality of the PhD theses, women still have a substantially lower probability to receive cum laude. These results strongly suggest that the distribution of awards suffers from gender bias. |
The Costs of Competition in Distributing Scarce Research Funds.Schweiger, G., Barnett, A., van den Besselaar, P., Bornmann, L., De Block, A., ... & Conix, S. (2024).The Costs of Competition in Distributing Scarce Research Funds. Arxiv Preprint. Ithaca, NY: Arxiv. Abstract
Research funding systems are not isolated systems - but embedded in a larger scientific system with an enormous influence on the system. This paper aims to analyze the allocation of competitive research funding from different perspectives: How reliable are decision processes for funding? What are the economic costs of competitive funding? How does competition for funds affect doing risky research? How do competitive funding environments affect scientists themselves, and which ethical issues must be considered? We attempt to identify gaps in our knowledge and propose recommendations for policymakers and funding agencies, including empirical experiments of decision processes and collection of data on these processes. |
Authorship regulations in performance-based funding systems and publication behaviour – A case study of German medical faculties.Aman, V., & van den Besselaar, P. (2024).Authorship regulations in performance-based funding systems and publication behaviour – A case study of German medical faculties. Journal of Informetrics, 18(2) (online first). |
What to do against gender bias in grant allocation?van den Besselaar, P., Mom, C., Cruz-Castro, L., Sanz Menéndez, L., Möller, T., ... & Husu, L. (2023).What to do against gender bias in grant allocation? Amsterdam: TMC. Abstract
This text summarized the recommendations that can be distilled from the research done in the GRANteD project, and from the interactions with the Stakeholder Committee, the Scientific Advisory Board, and at other exchanges with researchers in the field and with stakeholders in different interactions. |
Identifying and explaining gender differences in grant decision outcomes: The results of the case studies.Möller, T., van den Besselaar, P., Cruz-Castro, L., Sanz Menéndez, L., Sandström, U., & Mom, C. (2023).Identifying and explaining gender differences in grant decision outcomes: The results of the case studies. Berlin, Amsterdam: DZHW / TMC (nicht zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehen). |
What is research funding, how does it influence research, and how is it recorded? Key dimensions of variation.Thelwall, M., Simrick, S., Viney, I., & van den Besselaar, P. (2023).What is research funding, how does it influence research, and how is it recorded? Key dimensions of variation. Scientometrics , 128, 6085-6106. Abstract
Evaluating the effects of some or all academic research funding is difficult because of the many different and overlapping sources, types, and scopes. It is therefore important to identify the key aspects of research funding so that funders and others assessing its value do not overlook them. This article outlines 18 dimensions through which funding varies substantially, as well as three funding records facets. |
Determinants of cognitive mobility.Mom, C., Möller, T., & van den Besselaar, P. (2023).Determinants of cognitive mobility. In ISSI (Hrsg.), Proceedings of ISSI 2023 - the 19th International Conference of the International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2023). Bloomington, United States: International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. |
Two Longitudinal Papers Concerning Gender Disparities in Science Careers.Sandström, U., Sandström, E., Mom, C., van den Besselaar, P., & Möller, T. (2022).Two Longitudinal Papers Concerning Gender Disparities in Science Careers. Stockholm, Amsterdam, Berlin: Forskningspolitik Sverige AB, TMC BV, DZHW (nicht zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehen). |
What is researcher independence and how can it be measured?Möller, T., van den Besselaar, P., & Mom, C. (2022).What is researcher independence and how can it be measured? 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2022), 1-8. |
Factors influencing the academic career – an event history analysis.Mom, C., van den Besselaar, P., & Möller, T. (2022).Factors influencing the academic career – an event history analysis. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicator (STI 2022), 1-8. |
Evidence and consequences of academic drift in the field of dental research: A bibliometric analysis 2000-2015.van der Wouden, P., Van der Heijden, G., Shemesh, H., & van den Besselaar, P. (2022).Evidence and consequences of academic drift in the field of dental research: A bibliometric analysis 2000-2015. BDJ Open, 8(3). Abstract
The mission of academic excellence has resulted in a science system that incentivises publications within high impact, often basic science journals, and less in application-oriented journals. For the dental research field this so-called academic drift can result in a research portfolio that moves away from research that serves dental healthcare. Using bibliometric data, our findings suggest that the dental research portfolio is influenced by academic drift. This academic drift has increased the disbalance towards basic science, and away from care oriented research. It presents a challenge for the scientific progress in dental healthcare services. |
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