
Funktion, Rezeption und Performativität von Reviewliteratur in der Wissenschaft im Kontext Bibliometrie getriebener Anreizstrukturen (FuReWiRev)

Projektbeginn: 01.08.2018 - Projektende: 30.11.2022

Die Produktion wissenschaftlichen Wissens ist ein zentraler Motor gegenwärtiger Gesellschaften, was sich unter anderem an dem Ruf nach immer ‘mehr, und ‘besserem’ Wissen ablesen lässt. Doch wie entsteht gesichertes Wissen eigentlich? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage hat sich die Wissenschaftsforschung umfangreich mit der Rolle und Bedeutung des wissenschaftlichen Forschungsartikels und der sich aus gegenseitigen Verweisen ergebenden Zitationsnetzwerke auseinandergesetzt.

Weitgehend unbeachtet blieb bisher jedoch der wissenschaftliche Überblicksartikel (review article) als weiteres Publikationsformat. Auf den ersten Blick fasst ein Überblicksartikel lediglich zusammen, was anderswo bereits publiziert wurde, und erscheint daher für die Produktion wissenschaftlichen Wissens als eher zweitrangig. Auf den zweiten Blick wird hingegen deutlich, dass dem Überblicksartikel eine entscheidende Gatekeeper- und Katalysatorfunktion zukommt, indem er gesichertes von ungesichertem Wissen trennt, bzw. überhaupt erst festlegt, was als gesichertes Wissen gelten soll und was nicht.

Unser Forschungsprojekt widmet sich speziell diesem Publikationsformat und fragt nach der Funktion, Rezeption und Performativität von Reviewliteratur in der Wissenschaft. Hierbei beachten wir auch den speziellen Kontext, in dem Wissenschaft heute zunehmend stattfindet, nämlich geprägt durch Versuche der effizienten ‚ökonomisierten‘ Steuerung unter Einführung neuer Metriken zur Vermessung von Forschungsqualität. Die Bedeutung von Reviews kann sich in diesem Kontext aufgrund der Rückwirkungen von bibliometrischen Metriken und Indizes ändern. In diesem Projekt werden daher nicht nur die unterschiedlichen Typen und Formen von Reviews feldvergleichend untersucht, sondern es werden auch die Anpassungseffekte dieser Metriken auf die Publikation und Vergabe von Reviews durch Herausgeber und Verleger genauer erforscht.

Zur Untersuchung dieser Forschungsfragen kommen unterschiedliche Methoden aus der qualitativen und quantitativen Sozialforschung, insbesondere Inhaltsanalysen, Experteninterviews, Zitationsnetzwerkanalysen und Textmining zur Anwendung. Das Projekt hat eine Laufzeit von drei Jahren und wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) finanziert.

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Ordering the past, envisioning future(s): how review articles in synthetic biology make use of heterogeneous expectations.

Blümel, C. (2023). Ordering the past, envisioning future(s): how review articles in synthetic biology make use of heterogeneous expectations. Futures (online first).

This article deals with expectation dynamics in the field of synthetic biology. The article draws on scholarly review articles as the main material, complemented by expert interviews conducted with scholars from the field. The aim is to explore how expectations change over time and how they are used to justify and move the field. Drawing from conceptual advances of the sociology of expectations, I show how expectations are increasingly linked at different levels (the landscape, sector, and niche level) and how they support and justify the field among different audiences.

Preprints in the German news media before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A comparative mixed-method analysis.

Simons, A., & Schniedermann, A. (2023). Preprints in the German news media before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A comparative mixed-method analysis. In I. Broer, S. Lemke, A. Mazarakis, I. Peters, & C. Zinke-Wehlmann (Hrsg.), The Science-Media Interface. On the Relation Between Internal and External Science Communication (S. 53-78). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur (online first).

Mainstream media widely references scientific publications for claims of factuality and authority. But how did science journalism deal with the sudden surge in preprint publications that provided rapid but often uncertain knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic? While several studies have investigated various aspects of preprint-based science communication, only a few have focused on the public discourse in Germany, albeit with substantial challenges and controversies. In this mixed-method study, we identified the usage of preprints for 1,006 in about 390,000 German news stories, qualitatively analyzed the contexts of these preprints, and developed codes that reflect the epistemic sentiments. We further compared ...

Shaping the Qualities, Values and Standards of Science. How Reporting Guidelines Improve the Transparency of Biomedical Research.

Schniedermann, A. (2022). Shaping the Qualities, Values and Standards of Science. How Reporting Guidelines Improve the Transparency of Biomedical Research. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics. Frontiers, (Abgerufen am: 01.07.2022).

Quantitative studies of science in Germany.

Blümel, C., & Gauch, S. (2021). Quantitative studies of science in Germany. Scientometrics, 126(12) (online first).

A comparison of systematic reviews and guideline-based systematic reviews in medical studies.

Schniedermann, A. (2021). A comparison of systematic reviews and guideline-based systematic reviews in medical studies. Scientometrics.

The neglected politics behind evidence-based policy: shedding light on instrument constituency dynamics.

Simons, A., & Schniedermann, A. (2021). The neglected politics behind evidence-based policy: shedding light on instrument constituency dynamics. Policy & Politics (online first).

What Synthetic Biology Aims At: Review Articles as Sites for Constructing and Narrating an Emerging Field.

Blümel, C. (2021). What Synthetic Biology Aims At: Review Articles as Sites for Constructing and Narrating an Emerging Field. In K. Kastenhofer & S. Molyneux-Hodgson (Hrsg.), Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences (S. 65-84). Cham: Springer Nature (online first).

The analysis of scientific communities and collectives are central to STS and the sociology of science. Reviewing practices, that is, practices of ordering, defining or delineating scientific fields can be understood as an often neglected, yet prevailing textual practice of community building, particularly in novel and emerging research fields, such as synthetic biology. In this article, I aim to explore the structure and content of review articles as a dedicated scholarly genre in synthetic biology, focusing on the period between 2002 and 2012.

What Synthetic Biology Aims At: Review Articles as Sites for Constructing and Narrating an Emerging Field.

Blümel, C. (2020).
What Synthetic Biology Aims At: Review Articles as Sites for Constructing and Narrating an Emerging Field. In Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook. [preprint].

Studying review articles in scientometrics and beyond: a research agenda.

Blümel, C., & Schniedermann, A. (2020).
Studying review articles in scientometrics and beyond: a research agenda. Scientometrics, 1-18.

Who writes what? The academic age paterns of review genres in biomedicine.

Schniedermann, A. (2023, September). Who writes what? The academic age paterns of review genres in biomedicine. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2023), Leiden, Netherlands.

Review Articles: Functions, Uses and Reception Patterns in the Scholarly Publication System.

Blümel, C. (2023, Juni). Review Articles: Functions, Uses and Reception Patterns in the Scholarly Publication System. Vortrag auf dem Seminar Sociology of Science, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland.

How can new standards fix biomedical research?

Schniedermann, A. (2023, Mai). How can new standards fix biomedical research? Poster auf der Tagung Forschungstag 2023, DZHW, Hannover.

Experiences of authors with standards for biomedical publications.

Schniedermann, A. (2023, März). Experiences of authors with standards for biomedical publications. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 2023 | "Circulations", Ingmar Lippert et al., Human Technology Center in Aachen.

Reporting Guidelines and their Mission to increase Trust in Biomedicine.

Schniedermann, A. (2021, Oktober). Reporting Guidelines and their Mission to increase Trust in Biomedicine. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Trust in Science, Research group “Trust in information”, HLRS, Stuttgart (Germany).

The Resolution of Epistemic Crises in Biomedicine: The Stage of Transparency.

Schniedermann, A., & Blümel, C. (2021, Oktober). The Resolution of Epistemic Crises in Biomedicine: The Stage of Transparency. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 4S Annual Meeting 2021, Society for Social Studies of Science (4S).

Function, Reception and Performativity of Review Literature in Science, in the Context of the Bibliometrics-driven Incentive Structure.

Schniedermann, A. (2020, Juli).
Function, Reception and Performativity of Review Literature in Science, in the Context of the Bibliometrics-driven Incentive Structure. Vortrag auf dem I²SoS-Colloquium Summer Semester 2020, Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Science (I²SoS), Bielefeld University, 14.07.2020, Bielefeld .

On top of the hierarchy: evidence practices and practicing evidence of systematic reviews in biomedicine.

Schniedermann, A., & Blümel, C. (2020, Februar).
On top of the hierarchy: evidence practices and practicing evidence of systematic reviews in biomedicine. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Practicing Evidence-Evidence Practices, DFG Forschungsgruppe, 19.2.-21.2.2020, München.

Instrument Constituencies as Nexus Actors - Their Role in Mediating Between Science and Policy Fields.

Simons. A., & Schniedermann, A. (2020, Januar).
Instrument Constituencies as Nexus Actors - Their Role in Mediating Between Science and Policy Fields. Vortrag auf der AG Politische Soziologie, Prof. Dr. Holger Straßheim, 15.01.2020, Bielefeld.

Studying review articles in scientometrics: methods, topics, and future prospects.

Blümel, C., & Schniedermann, A. (2019, September).
Studying review articles in scientometrics: methods, topics, and future prospects. Workshop given at the 17th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, 2nd-5th September 2019, Rome, Italy.

The role of policy instrument constituencies in creating linkages between policy fields.

Simons, A. (2019, Juni).
The role of policy instrument constituencies in creating linkages between policy fields. Vortrag auf der ICPP4 International Conference of Public Policy, panel on “Nexus Problems”, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

The Valuation of Digital Scholarly Communication: Platforms, Metrics, and Narratives.

Blümel, C. (2019, Februar).
The Valuation of Digital Scholarly Communication: Platforms, Metrics, and Narratives. Invited Talk an der TU München.

Modes of Knowledge Transfer in Synthetic Biology: Between commercialisation and societal legitimation.

Blümel, C. (2019, Januar).
Modes of Knowledge Transfer in Synthetic Biology: Between commercialisation and societal legitimation. Presentation at the Max Planck Synthetic Biology (MaxSynbio) Innovation Workshop, Max-Planck Institut für Intelligente Systeme Stuttgart.


Clemens Blümel
Clemens Blümel 030 2064177-31

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