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Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Main report.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Main report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Executive summary.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Executive summary. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 1, Country case studies.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 1, Country case studies. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 2, Literature study and indicator review.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 2, Literature study and indicator review. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 3, Country fiches.

Vossensteyn, H., Kolster, R., Kaiser, F., File, J., Huisman, J., Seeber, M., ... & Gwosć, C. (2018).
Promoting the Relevance of Higher Education. Annex 3, Country fiches. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the relevance of higher education and how this is promoted in various countries in Europe and beyond. On the basis of a review of relevant literature, policy documents and databases, consultation with national experts and eight in-depth country case studies that included interviews with many national stakeholders, this study seeks to answer questions such as which policy levers do member states use to promote higher education relevance? Which national policies concerning higher education relevance appear to be effective and good practice examples? Which indicators are informative in assessing higher education relevance at system level?

Erfolg im Studium. Konzeptionen, Befunde und Desiderate.

Bornkessel, P. (Hrsg.) (2018).
Erfolg im Studium. Konzeptionen, Befunde und Desiderate. Bielefeld: wbv.

Studienerfolg jenseits gymnasialer Zugangswege zum Studium.

Isleib, S., & Woisch, A. (2018).
Studienerfolg jenseits gymnasialer Zugangswege zum Studium. In P. Bornkessel (Hrsg.), Erfolg im Studium. Konzeptionen, Befunde und Desiderate (S. 29-58). Bielefeld: WBV.

Proximale Prädiktoren objektiver wie subjektiver Studienerfolgsindikatoren.

Weber, A., Daniel, A., Becker, K., & Bornkessel, P. (2018).
Proximale Prädiktoren objektiver wie subjektiver Studienerfolgsindikatoren. In P. Bornkessel (Hrsg.), Erfolg im Studium. Konzeptionen, Befunde und Desiderate (S. 59-107). Bielefeld: wbv.

Determinanten des Studienerfolgs nicht-traditioneller Studierender - zur Bedeutung der sozialen und akademischen Integration, der Lebensumstände und des Studienkontextes für die Studienabbruchneigung beruflich qualifizierter Studierender ohne Abitur.

Dahm, G., Becker, K., & Bornkessel, P. (2018).
Determinanten des Studienerfolgs nicht-traditioneller Studierender - zur Bedeutung der sozialen und akademischen Integration, der Lebensumstände und des Studienkontextes für die Studienabbruchneigung beruflich qualifizierter Studierender ohne Abitur. In P. Bornkessel (Hrsg.), Erfolg im Studium. Konzeptionen, Befunde und Desiderate (S. 108-174). Bielefeld: wbv.

Auf Basis der Daten der 21. Sozialerhebung prüft der Beitrag die Annahme, dass für das Risiko eines Studienabbruchs nicht-traditioneller Studierender deren Lebensumstände eine größere Bedeutung haben als die soziale Integration im Studium. Die Ergebnisse eines Strukturgleichungsmodells zeigen, dass sowohl die erfolgreiche Studienintegration als auch die Studienfinanzierung für die Studienbindung dieser Studierendengruppe relevant sind. Elternschaft dagegen beeinflusst die Abbruchneigung weder direkt noch indirekt. Auch studienbegleitende Erwerbstätigkeit kann nicht pauschal als Risikofaktor bezeichnet werden. Der Beitrag diskutiert, wie diese und weitere Befunde mit Blick auf die weitere Forschung und die Praxis zu bewerten sind.


Bornkessel, P. (2018).
Einleitung. In P. Bornkessel (Hrsg.), Erfolg im Studium. Konzeptionen, Befunde und Desiderate (S. 7-28). Bielefeld: wbv.

Wissenschaft weltoffen 2018.

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (Hrsg.), Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (Hrsg.), Heublein, U., & Ebert, J. (2018).
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2018. Daten und Fakten zur Internationalität von Studium und Forschung in Deutschland.

Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in Hannover 2016. Regionalauswertung der 21. Sozialerhebung des DSW durchgeführt vom DZHW für das Studentenwerk Hannover.

Schirmer, H. (2018).
Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in Hannover 2016. Regionalauswertung der 21. Sozialerhebung des DSW durchgeführt vom DZHW für das Studentenwerk Hannover. Hannover: Studentenwerk Hannover.

A New Aspect of Internationalisation? Specific Challenges and Support Structures for Refugees on Their Way to German Higher Education.

Berg, J. (2018).
A New Aspect of Internationalisation? Specific Challenges and Support Structures for Refugees on Their Way to German Higher Education. In A. Curaj, L. Deca & R. Pricopie (Hrsg.), European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies (S. 219-235). Cham: Springer.

Wissenschaft weltoffen kompakt 2018 English edition.

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst & Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (Hrsg.) - DZHW-Mitarbeiter(innen): Heublein, U., & Ebert. J. (2018).
Wissenschaft weltoffen kompakt 2018 English edition. Facts and Figures on the International Nature of Study and Research in Germany. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann.

" Keep It Going, Girl! " An Empirical Analysis of Gender Differences and Inequalities in Computer Sciences.

Förtsch, S., Gärtig-Daugs, A., Buchholz, S., & Schmid, U. (2018).
" Keep It Going, Girl! " An Empirical Analysis of Gender Differences and Inequalities in Computer Sciences. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 10(2), 266-286.


Sandra Buchholz
Prof. Dr. Sandra Buchholz Abteilungsleitung 0511 450670-176
Frauke Peter
Dr. Frauke Peter Stellv. Abteilungsleitung 0511 450670-126


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