Leibniz Education Research Network (LERN)
In the Leibniz Education Research Network (LERN), 25 institutions with researchers from diverse disciplines
(including sociology, economics, political science, psychology) have joined forces. The DZHW is a member of this
research network. The goal of the network partners is to pool their expertise and to increase the visibility of
Leibniz Association in educational issues among political decision-makers, educational administrators and the public.
In addition to joint research projects and international networking, the central activities of the network include scientific
exchange and the promotion of young scientists as well as knowledge transfer. For example, annual scientific conferences are
held to strengthen scientific exchange, while annual educational policy forums serve as an instrument of knowledge transfer.
The DZHW is actively involved in these formats.
Events with DZHW participation
Education Policy Forum 2021
"Innovation and Prosperity through STEM"
October 28th, 2021 10:00 pm - 04:30 am Online
Hosting organization:
Leibniz Education Research Network Alliance (LERN)
The Education Policy Forum 2021 of the Leibniz Education Research Network Alliance (LERN) is dedicated thematically to the challenges of future-oriented STEM education.
Together with participants from education policy, practice and research, the connection between innovation and prosperity through STEM will be examined and discussed from different perspectives.
Target group:
Representatives from politics and administration, science and other social actors
Organization Team:
- Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt, LIfBi
- Prof. Dr. Monika Jungbauer-Gans, DZHW
- Prof. Dr. Olaf Köller, IPN
- Prof. Dr. Justin J. W. Powell, Universität Luxemburg
The online event is free of charge and will be held in German.
Program and further information - in German:
CIDER - College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research
LERN Conference for postdocs together with DIW
07.-08.10.2021 Leibniz Geschäftsstelle, Berlin
Further information:
LERN-Jahrestagung 2021
"Determinants and Effects of Scientific, Corporate, and Individual Further Education."
11.03.2021 Online
Further information: