Research Colloquia

The German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) organises research colloquia to provide a forum for presenting and discussing current research work and findings in higher education and science research. The colloquia in Hannover and Berlin give participants the opportunity to gain information and exchange views on current issues. They are addressed to DZHW employees, external speakers, members of Leibniz Universität Hannover and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin as well as all interested members of the public.

Research Colloquium in Hannover

The joint DZHW-LCSS Research Colloquium offers scientists of the DZHW, the LCSS and the LUH as well as external guests the opportunity to present their research in the field of science and higher education research. The targeted audiences are science and higher education researchers of all disciplines and qualification levels, students are as well cordially invited to partcipate.

The colloquium takes place approximately every third Monday of the month from 4:15 to 5:30 pm. In addition to the scientific exchange, opportunities for informal exchange and for personal encounters will beprovided. Lectures announced in English are held in English.

The event location in each case is the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies, Lange Laube 12, room LL500 - unless otherwise stated. Please register in advance.

Events in Hannover 2025

Research colloquium in Berlin

Our Berlin branch office holds regular colloquia, inviting participants to an exchange of information and views on new research projects, current findings of science studies research and new developments in science systems. Currently the colloquium takes place only online. Please register in advance by email.

Contact Hannover

Carolin Luksche
Carolin Luksche +49 511 450670-356
Mara Osterburg
Mara Osterburg +49 511 450670-129

Contact Berlin