Summer Schools
DZHW is involved in two Summer Schools in the field of higher education research and science studies. Both summer schools take place annually at different locations in Germany or Europe.
Summer School in Higher Education Research and Science Studies (HERSS)
The 10th HERSS-Summer School with a focus on 'Narratives of Disruption and Continuity in Science, Technology, and Society' will take place from 1st to 5th of September 2025, in Wuppertal (Germany). The corresponding call for applications is open now and until 15th of May 2024. Please find more information on the Summer School series on the HERSS website.
In 2025 the Interdisciplinary Summer School Series in "Higher Education Research and Science Studies" (HERSS) is held in cooperation with the Research Training Group GRK 2696 “Transformations of science and technology since 1800: topics, processes, institutions”, University of Wuppertal. For further information and practical details on the 10th Summer School, please refer directly to or contact the organizers using the email address
The 9th HERSS-Summer School on 'Innovative Methods in Higher Education Research and Science Studies' took place from September 9th to 13th, 2024 at DZHW in Hannover, Germany.
European Summer School for Scientometrics (esss)
The european summer school for scientometrics 2025 will take place from September 8th to 12th 2025 in Granada, Spain. You can find more information on the esss website.
In 2010 the University of Vienna, the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven joined cooperatively to found the European Summer School for Scientometrics (esss). Since 2017 the EC3metrics Group of the University of Granada has become an official partner, Sapienza Universita de Roma joined in 2022.
esss offers training that covers major aspects of the quantitative analysis of science and technology and is especially designed for the needs of science policy makers, research quality managers, scientists and information specialists & librarians.
Attendees can expect a sound overview of state-of-the-art scientometric methods and the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the most commonly used databases, to learn how to construct relevant indicators and how to interpret the data. Theoretically imparted knowledge will be consolidated in hands-on training events whenever suitable, in order to guarantee a sustainable learning experience.
Participants will challenge themselves academically, gain crucial experience, advance their careers and experience knowledge sharing and exchange of ideas with esss staff, lecturers and other participants.
Contact HERSS

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