Interdisciplinary Summer School “Science and Academic Careers” will take place in Hanover
Call for Paper
Apply now for the participation in the summer school in higher education research and science studies! The summer school will take place at the University of Hanover (September, 5th -9th). The Call for Paper is open until June, 24th! Please submit you abstract online at the website of our summer school.
Interdisciplinary and jointly organized by the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) and the Institute of Sociology at the University of Hanover the Summer School will link theory and applied research. It has the aim to understand the social mechanisms of career decisions in academia. It will focus on topics like changing conditions in academia due to differentiation and increasing stratification among higher education institutions, increasing competition for resources and evaluation of achievements, increasingly precarious working conditions and a declining proportion of full or associate professors positions in the academic labour market.
Each participant will receive 5 ECTS credits.
Letters of acceptance/rejection will be sent by June 29, 2016 as well as detailed information about the location, conference schedule and accommodation options.
Summer School Science and Academic Careers
CfP Summer School Science and Academic Careers