
DZHW publishes its research findings in renowned academic journals, at national and international conferences and in its own publishing formats. An overview of publications and lectures produced by DZHW staff can be seen below. You can open individual publication formats separately using the menu in the left-hand column.

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Wissenschaft weltoffen 2020.

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, & Deutsches Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung (Hrsg.) (2021).
Wissenschaft weltoffen 2020. Facts and Figures on the International Nature of Studies and Research in Germany and Worldwide. Bielefeld: wbv Media.

Institutional Repositories and Bibliometrics.

Aman, V. (2021).
Institutional Repositories and Bibliometrics. In Ball, R. (Hrsg.), Handbook Bibliometrics (S. 455-462). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Saur.

Academic Social Networks and Bibliometrics.

Blümel, C. (2021).
Academic Social Networks and Bibliometrics. In Ball, R. (Hrsg.), Handbook Bibliometrics (S. 255-264). Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter Saur.

History, Development and Conceptual Predecessors of Altmetrics.

Blümel, C., & Gauch, S. (2021).
History, Development and Conceptual Predecessors of Altmetrics. In Ball, R. (Hrsg.), Handbook Bibliometrics (S. 191-199). Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter Saur.

Muster migrationsspezifischer Unterschiede unter Studienberechtigten in Deutschland: Soziale Herkunft – Schulische Leistungen – Bildungsaspirationen.

Sudheimer, S., & Buchholz, S. (2021).
Muster migrationsspezifischer Unterschiede unter Studienberechtigten in Deutschland: Soziale Herkunft – Schulische Leistungen – Bildungsaspirationen. In M. Jungbauer-Gans & A. Gottburgsen (Hrsg), Migration, Mobilität und soziale Ungleichheit in der Hochschulbildung (S. 27-58). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Der Einfluss des Demokratieniveaus von Staaten auf ihre Attraktivität als Studiendestination. Eine netzwerkanalytische Perspektive.

Vögtle, E.M., & Windzio, M. (2021).
Der Einfluss des Demokratieniveaus von Staaten auf ihre Attraktivität als Studiendestination. Eine netzwerkanalytische Perspektive. In M. Jungbauer-Gans & A. Gottburgsen, Migration, Mobilität und soziale Ungleichheit in der Hochschulbildung (S. 197-220). Wiesbaden, Springer VS.

This article investigates the link between countries’ level of democracy and their ability to attract degree-mobile students from abroad. The network of international student mobility is analyzed for the time span between 2000 and 2009 in a cross-sectional manner, focusing on OECD and member countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Using Social Network Analysis and Exponential Random Graph Modelling, the study demonstrates that ties are more frequent when both countries in a dyad have either low or high levels of democracy, i. e., when there is homophily with regard to their democracy level. However, this applies only when the receiving country is economically wealthy

DZHW-Promoviertenpanel. Datenbeschreibung, Analysepotential und Zugangswege.

Vietgen, S., de Vogel, S., & Brandt, G. (2020).
DZHW-Promoviertenpanel. Datenbeschreibung, Analysepotential und Zugangswege. Soziale Welt, 71(4), 507-524.

Absolventenpanel 1993.

Birkelbach, R., & Schmidtchen, H. (2020).
Absolventenpanel 1993. Daten-und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent*innenkohorte 1993 (1. und 2. Befragungswelle). Hannover: DZHW.

The DZHW Graduate Panel 1993 is part of the DZHW Graduate Survey Series, which compiles information on study, career entry, career development and further qualifications of higher education graduates using standardised surveys. The first Graduate Panel was created in 1989. Since then, every fourth graduate year (cohort) has been surveyed. For each graduate cohort, a series of survey waves are carried out, with each wave occurring at differing time intervals following the completion of degree. The DZHW Graduate Panel 1993 comprises the second graduate cohort of the survey series. The surveys conducted as part of the 1993 graduate panel were intended to [...] Full abstract:

The Debate on student evaluations of teaching: global convergence confronts higher education traditions.

Pineda, P., & Steinhardt, I. (2020).
The Debate on student evaluations of teaching: global convergence confronts higher education traditions. Teaching in Higher Education (online first).

We found that: (1) Attention to SET originated in the US in the 1970s, spreading to German-speaking countries in the mid-1990s and continuing in China and Latin America in the early 2000s. (2) SET is commonly viewed as a control tool deserving methodological improvement, while bias is debated in the US. We also found local trajectories: (3) Whereas in the US and Latin America SET is primarily seen as a management tool, German-speaking and Chinese authors reflect more on improving teaching. Chinese scholars consider SET a valid instrument for state control associated with artificial intelligence. Also, (4) SET is commonly used in medical education in the US and the German-speaking region and in physical education in China.

Entwicklungsdynamik im Feld wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung – Forminvestition statt Inklusionsdiskurs?

Freitag, W. (2020).
Entwicklungsdynamik im Feld wissenschaftlicher Weiterbildung – Forminvestition statt Inklusionsdiskurs? In DGWF Dt. Gesell. f. Wissensch. Weiterbild. & Fernstudium e.V., C. Iller, B. Lehmann, S. Vergara, & G. Vierzigmann (Hrsg.), Von der Exklusion zur Inklusion. Weiterbildung im Sozialsystem Hochschule (S. 75-92). Bielefeld: wbv.

The European Higher Education Area in 2020.

European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, Crosier, D., Ferencz, I., Hauschildt, K., Kocanova, D., Racké, C., ... & Wulk, S. (2020).
The European Higher Education Area in 2020. Bologna Process Implementation Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

This edition of the Bologna Process Implementation Report charts important progress made over two decades when it comes to mobility, quality assurance and recognition, but also points to the work needed in the future. The report shows how European higher education systems advanced with concerted national reforms. This in itself is a remarkable achievement. Nevertheless, the process was not all plain sailing. Some countries moved faster than others, and some embedded reforms more deeply. As a result of reaching different levels of implementation, the foundations of the European Higher Education Area are not yet stable enough. Students, researchers and higher education institutions may still face unnecessary obstacles in their work together.

DZHW-Absolventenpanel 1989. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent*innenkohorte 1989 (1. und 2. Befragungswelle).

Niebuhr, J., & Weber, A. (2020).
DZHW-Absolventenpanel 1989. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Absolvent*innenkohorte 1989 (1. und 2. Befragungswelle). Hannover: DZHW.

The DZHW Graduate Panel 1989 (initially HIS Graduate Panel) is part of the DZHW Graduate Survey Series, which compiles information on study, career entry, career development and further qualifications of higher education graduates using standardised surveys. The Graduate Panel 1989 ist the first one of the Survey Series. Since then, every fourth graduate year (cohort) has been surveyed. For each graduate cohort, a series of survey waves are carried out, with each wave occurring at differing time intervals following the completion of degree.

Die Exzellenzinitiative: Bestandsaufnahme großer Erwartungen.

Möller, T., & Hornbostel, S. (2020).
Die Exzellenzinitiative: Bestandsaufnahme großer Erwartungen. Handbuch Qualität in Studium, Lehre und Forschung (74), 1-22.

Studieren während der Corona-Pandemie: Die finanzielle Situation von Studierenden und mögliche Auswirkungen auf das Studium.

Becker, K., & Lörz, M. (2020).
Studieren während der Corona-Pandemie: Die finanzielle Situation von Studierenden und mögliche Auswirkungen auf das Studium. (DZHW Brief 09|2020). Hannover: DZHW.

The Competent Bibliometrician–A Guided Tour through the Scholarly and Practitioner Literature.

Petersohn, S. (2020).
The Competent Bibliometrician–A Guided Tour through the Scholarly and Practitioner Literature. In Ball, R. (Hrsg.), Handbook Bibliometrics (S. 485-496). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur.

Repeated calls for responsible research metrics and professional codes of conduct in evaluative bibliometrics highlight the need to investigate which qualifications and competencies enable a proficient application of bibliometric methods and indicators. Taking competence research as a point of departure, this chapter delineates salient dimensions of professional competence in bibliometric research evaluation by reviewing a selected subset of the literature. The reviewed literature focuses on handbooks, monographs, and scholarly and practitioner articles that introduce theory and methodology of bibliometrics and showcase applications to scholars and practitioners mainly outside of the scientometric research community.


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912