
DZHW publishes its research findings in renowned academic journals, at national and international conferences and in its own publishing formats. An overview of publications and lectures produced by DZHW staff can be seen below. You can open individual publication formats separately using the menu in the left-hand column.

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A comparison of systematic reviews and guideline-based systematic reviews in medical studies.

Schniedermann, A. (2021).
A comparison of systematic reviews and guideline-based systematic reviews in medical studies. Scientometrics.

Does studying abroad influence graduates’ wages? A literature review.

Netz, N., & Cordua, F. (2021).
Does studying abroad influence graduates’ wages? A literature review. Journal of International Students , 11(4), 768-789.

In this article, we review quantitative studies that empirically examine whether studying abroad influences graduates’ wages. Our review suggests that studying abroad has a moderate positive effect on graduates’ early-career wages in various national and institutional settings. However, this effect tends to vary across groups of graduates, employment contexts, and types of stays abroad. Employer change, access to large and multinational companies, and access to high-wage labor markets abroad appear to be the most relevant mechanisms mediating the effect of studying abroad on wages. Other mechanisms, such as improved language skills and a greater tendency to pursue further education, turn out to be less relevant.

Identifying and understanding game-framing in online news: BERT and fine-grained linguistic features.

Avetisyan, H., & Broneske, D. (2021).
Identifying and understanding game-framing in online news: BERT and fine-grained linguistic features. In Association for Computational Linguistics (Hrsg.), Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2021) (S. 95-107). Trento, Italy: Association for Computational Linguistics.

Internationalität der Promotion in Deutschland.

Willige, J., & Dölle, F. (2021).
Internationalität der Promotion in Deutschland. Eine Analyse auf Basis der „National Academics Panel Study“ (Nacaps), 1. Welle. Hannover: DZHW.

Modellrechnung Ausstattungs‐, Kosten‐ & Leistungsvergleich (AKL) ASH Berlin 202x.

Jenkner, P., & Dölle, F. (2021).
Modellrechnung Ausstattungs‐, Kosten‐ & Leistungsvergleich (AKL) ASH Berlin 202x. Dokumentation und Ergebnisse. Hannover: DZHW (nicht zur Veröffentlichung vorgesehen).

One year after the outbreak – Involvement of scientists in the Covid-19 pandemic Findings from a Germany-wide study.

Ambrasat, J., & Fabian, G. (2021).
One year after the outbreak – Involvement of scientists in the Covid-19 pandemic Findings from a Germany-wide study. SocArXiv.

Erkenntnisgewinn durch Praxis: Empirische Einblicke in die neuen Wege der Doktorand*innenausbildung.

Hendriks, B., & Lietz, A. (2021).
Erkenntnisgewinn durch Praxis: Empirische Einblicke in die neuen Wege der Doktorand*innenausbildung. Forschung: Politik - Strategie - Management, 14(1+2), 6-9.

Qualitätssicherung von Berufungsverfahren an deutschen Kunsthochschulen.

Kleimann, B., Walther, L., & Gerchen, A. (2021).
Qualitätssicherung von Berufungsverfahren an deutschen Kunsthochschulen. Qualität in der Wissenschaft (QiW). Zeitschrift für Qualitätsentwicklung in Forschung, Studium und Administration, 15(3+4), 73-82.

Unterstützungsmaßnahmen erhöhen Kita-Inanspruchnahme von Kindern aus bildungsferneren Familien.

Hermes, H., Lergetporer, P., Peter, F., & Wiederhold, S. (27. Oktober 2021).
Unterstützungsmaßnahmen erhöhen Kita-Inanspruchnahme von Kindern aus bildungsferneren Familien [Blogbeitrag]. Abgerufen von

14. Sozialerhebung. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Studierendenbefragung 1994.

Middendorff, E., & Wallis, M. (2021).
14. Sozialerhebung. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur Studierendenbefragung 1994. Hannover: DZHW.

The Social Survey is a series of surveys on the economic and social situation of students in Germany that has been in existence since 1951. At three- to four-year intervals, a cross-section of students is surveyed on aspects of university access, structural features of study, social and economic situation, including income and cost of living, employment, housing situation, and socio-demographic characteristics such as ethnic and social origin, partnership status and parenthood. The data package includes data from the survey of German, educationally native, and educationally foreign students conducted as part of the 14th Social Survey (1994).

Citation analysis of Ph.D. theses with data from Scopus and Google Books.

Donner, P. (2021).
Citation analysis of Ph.D. theses with data from Scopus and Google Books. Scientometrics, 126, 9431-9456.

This study investigates the potential of citation analysis of Ph.D. theses to obtain valid and useful early career performance indicators at the level of university departments. For German theses from 1996 to 2018 the suitability of citation data from Scopus and Google Books is studied and found to be sufficient to obtain quantitative estimates of early career researchers’ performance at departmental level in terms of scientific recognition and use of their dissertations as reflected in citations. Scopus and Google Books citations complement each other and have little overlap. Individual theses’ citation counts are much higher for those awarded a dissertation award than others. Departmental level estimates of citation impact agree ...

Finanzielle Probleme von Studierenden in der Corona-Pandemie und die Beantragung von Überbrückungshilfe.

Heublein, U., Hutsch, C., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (2021).
Finanzielle Probleme von Studierenden in der Corona-Pandemie und die Beantragung von Überbrückungshilfe. (DZHW Brief 05|2021). Hannover: DZHW.

Identifying constitutive articles of cumulative dissertation theses by bilingual text similarity. Evaluation of similarity methods on a new short text task.

Donner, P. (2021).
Identifying constitutive articles of cumulative dissertation theses by bilingual text similarity. Evaluation of similarity methods on a new short text task. Quantitative Science Studies, 2(3).

Cumulative dissertations are doctoral theses comprised of multiple published articles. For studies of publication activity and citation impact of early career researchers it is important to identify these articles and link them to their associated theses. Using a new benchmark data set, this paper reports on experiments of measuring the bilingual textual similarity between, on the one hand, titles and keywords of doctoral theses, and, on the other hand, articles’ titles and abstracts. The tested methods are cosine similarity and L1 distance in the Vector Space Model (VSM) as baselines, the language-indifferent methods Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and trigram similarity, and the language-aware methods fastText and Random Indexing (RI)...

Editors between support and control by the digital infrastructure — Tracing the peer review process with data from an editorial management system.

Hartstein, J., & Blümel, C. (2021).
Editors between support and control by the digital infrastructure — Tracing the peer review process with data from an editorial management system. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics (6). (Abgerufen am: 20.10.2021) (online first).

Many journals now rely on editorial management systems, which are supposed to support the administration and decision making of editors, while aiming at making the process of communication faster and more transparent to both reviewers and authors. Yet, little is known about how these infrastructures support, stabilize, transform or change existing editorial practices. By exploring process generated data from a publisher’s editorial management system, we investigate the ways by which the digital infrastructure is used and how it represents the different realms of the process of peer review. How does the infrastructure support, strengthen or restrain editorial agency for administrating the process?

Opening up and sharing data from qualitative research: A primer.

Steinhardt, I., Fischer, C., Heimstädt, M., Hirsbrunner, S. D., İkiz-Akıncı, D., ... & Wünsche, H. (2021).
Opening up and sharing data from qualitative research: A primer. Results of a workshop run by the research group „Digitalization and Science“ at the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin on January 17, 2020 with research data centre staff and scientists of the Free Knowledge Fellow Program. Berlin: Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD).


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912