
DZHW publishes its research findings in renowned academic journals, at national and international conferences and in its own publishing formats. An overview of publications and lectures produced by DZHW staff can be seen below. You can open individual publication formats separately using the menu in the left-hand column.

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Datenportal der National Academics Panel Study (Nacaps) - Ergebnisse der Promovierendenbefragungen 2019 bis 2021.

Gottwald, A., Azeroual, O., & Wegner, A. (2022).
Datenportal der National Academics Panel Study (Nacaps) - Ergebnisse der Promovierendenbefragungen 2019 bis 2021. Berlin: DZHW.

COVID-19 Pandemie und soziale Ungleichheit: Hängt eine prekäre Finanzierungssituation mit sozialer Ungleichheit im Studium zusammen?

Lörz, M., & Becker, K. (2022).
COVID-19 Pandemie und soziale Ungleichheit: Hängt eine prekäre Finanzierungssituation mit sozialer Ungleichheit im Studium zusammen? ZeHf – Zeitschrift Für Empirische Hochschulforschung, 6(1), 24-44.

Indikatorenbasierte Berichterstattung zu Promovierenden - Ziele, Referenzen und Erläuterungen der Indikatoren und Kernziffern im Datenportal der National Academics Panel Study. Version 2.0.

Wegner, A. (2022).
Indikatorenbasierte Berichterstattung zu Promovierenden - Ziele, Referenzen und Erläuterungen der Indikatoren und Kernziffern im Datenportal der National Academics Panel Study. Version 2.0. Berlin: DZHW.

MapOSR - A mapping review dataset of empirical studies on Open Science.

Lasser, J., Schneider, J., Lösch, T., Röwert, R., Heck, T., ... & Skupien, S. (2022).
MapOSR - A mapping review dataset of empirical studies on Open Science. F1000Research.

Research that investigates respective researchers’ engagement in Open Science varies widely in the topics addressed, methods employed, and disciplines investigated, which makes it difficult to integrate and compare its results. To investigate current outcomes of Open Science research, and to get a better understanding on well-researched topics and research gaps, we aimed at providing an openly accessible overview of empirical studies that focus on different aspects of Open Science in different scientific disciplines, academic groups and geographical regions. In this paper, we describe a data set of studies about Open Science practices retrieved following a PRISMA approach to compile a literature review.

Wie international ist die Promotion in Deutschland? Eine Analyse auf Basis der National Academics Panel Study.

Willige, J. (2022).
Wie international ist die Promotion in Deutschland? Eine Analyse auf Basis der National Academics Panel Study. DAAD Forschung kompakt, 2022(3).

Organisational support for refugee students in German higher education.

Berg, J. (2022).
Organisational support for refugee students in German higher education. A systems theoretical analysis of the formalisation and development of support structures for refugee students and underlying discourses at German higher education organisations. Dissertationsschrift. Hannover: Leibniz Universität Hannover.

Gender disparities in Russian academia: a bibliometric analysis.

Pilkina, M., & Lovakov, A. (2022).
Gender disparities in Russian academia: a bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics, 2022( 127), 3577-3591.

Transparency of open data ecosystems in smart cities: Definition and assessment of the maturity of transparency in 22 smart cities.

Lnenicka, M., Nikiforova, A., Luterek, M., Azeroual, O., Ukpabi, D., Valtenbergs, V., & Machova, R. (2022).
Transparency of open data ecosystems in smart cities: Definition and assessment of the maturity of transparency in 22 smart cities. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022(82), 103906.

Bildung und Resilienz. Gutachten des Aktionsrats Bildung. Vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V.

Anders, Y., Hannover, B., Jungbauer-Gans, M., Köller, O., Lenzen, D., ... & Wößmann, L. (2022).
Bildung und Resilienz. Gutachten des Aktionsrats Bildung. Vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. Münster: Waxmann.

Why do women more often intend to study abroad than men?

Cordua, F., & Netz, N. (2022).
Why do women more often intend to study abroad than men? Higher Education, 83(5), 1079-1101.

In many Western countries, women are more likely to study abroad than men. At present, there is a lack of theory-guided empirical studies searching explanations for this pattern. We address this research gap by examining gender differences in study abroad intent among first-semester students in Germany. To derive a comprehensive theoretical framework, we draw on social role theory of sex differences, cognitive development theory, new home economics and statistical discrimination theory. Using data from the nationally representative 2010 DZHW School Leavers Survey, we test our hypotheses by estimating logistic regressions and non-linear effect decompositions.

Eine Dateninfrastruktur für die Gesellschaftswissenschaften. Unterstützung in der Arbeit mit Forschungsdaten durch KonsortSWD.

Blätte, A., Fräßdorf, A., Heuer, J.-O., Hoffstätter, U., Leonhardt, C., ... & Wolf, C. (2022).
Eine Dateninfrastruktur für die Gesellschaftswissenschaften. Unterstützung in der Arbeit mit Forschungsdaten durch KonsortSWD. ZfBB Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 69(1-2), 48-58.

Soziale Selektivität individueller und strukturierter Promotionsformen revisited.

de Vogel, S. (2022).
Soziale Selektivität individueller und strukturierter Promotionsformen revisited. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 74(1), 113-132.

A Record Linkage-Based Data Deduplication Framework with DataCleaner Extension.

Azeroual, O., Jha, M., Nikiforova, A., Sha, K., Alsmirat, M., & Jha, S. (2022).
A Record Linkage-Based Data Deduplication Framework with DataCleaner Extension. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2022(6), 27.

Predicting ecological momentary assessments in an app for Tinnitus by learning from each user's stream with a contextual multi-armed bandit.

Shahania, S., Unnikrishnan, V., Pryss, R., Kraft, R., Schobel, J., ... & Spiliopoulou, M. (2022).
Predicting ecological momentary assessments in an app for Tinnitus by learning from each user's stream with a contextual multi-armed bandit. Frontiers in Neuroscience Sec. Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 2022(16), 1-17.

Peer reviewers equally critique theory, method, and writing, with limited effect on the final content of accepted manuscripts.

Stephen, D. (2022).
Peer reviewers equally critique theory, method, and writing, with limited effect on the final content of accepted manuscripts. Scientometrics (online first).


Anja Gottburgsen
Dr. Anja Gottburgsen +49 511 450670-912