2025-Mar-19 | DZHW Brief
Marczuk, A., Multrus, F., Hinz, T., & Strauß, S.
of scientific and artistic employees at German universities have a foreign nationality (Data for 2018).
The German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) carries out application-oriented empirical research. Our work focuses on two main fields: research on higher education, including analyses of students' and graduates' experiences, issues relating to life-long learning, steering and funding, and research into the scientific world and academic organisations. The Centre sees itself as part of the scientific community and is a service provider for higher education institutions and policy-makers.
Der jüngst veröffentlichte Bundesbericht „Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler in einer frühen ...
Heute erscheint der Bundesbericht ...
Bis zu 30 Prozent aller Studierenden brechen ihr Studium ab. Doch ist ein Studium ohne Abschluss ...
Die Bundesrepublik ist nach den USA das zweitwichtigste Gastland für internationale Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, so der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst ...
Wie steht es um die Freiheit der Lehre und Forschung in Deutschland? Ob zu gendergerechter Sprache, zum aktuellen ...
Von 100 Kindern aus akademisch gebildeten Familien beginnen 78 ein Hochschulstudium. Bei nicht-akademisch gebildeten ...
2025-Mar-19 | DZHW Brief
Marczuk, A., Multrus, F., Hinz, T., & Strauß, S.
2025-Mar-17 | Publication
Thiedig, C., & Wegner, A.
2025-Mar-13 | Publication
Möller, T., & Dittmann, P.
2025-Jan-28 | DZHW Brief
Ohlendorf, D., Hein, D., Spangenberg, H., & Franke, B.
2025-Mar-03 | Publication
Briedis, K.
2025-Mar-06 | Publication
Donner, P., & Henneken, E.
2025-Sep-01 - 2025-Sep-05
Wuppertal, Germany
The Summer School with a focus on "Narratives of Disruption and Continuity in Science, Technology, and Society" takes place in Wuppertal.
2025-Jan-16 3:15 to 4:00 PM (CEST)
CS3 Meeting Talks
Anke Radinger, Ulrike Efu Nkong, Dorothée Behr (GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)
2025-Jan-20 04:15-05:30
Research symposium DZHW Hannover
Prof. Dr. Heiko Stoff & Dr. Xenia Steinbach (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover)
LCSS, Lange Laube 32, Room 201
2025-Mar-10 14:00
Research symposium DZHW Berlin
Prof. Ruth Müller (Technische Universität München (TUM))
Start of the project: 2025-Jan-15
In highly developed economies, there is already a shortage of skilled ...
Start of the project: 2025-Jan-01
The research center is testing a research structure for interdisciplinary and federal comparison of german higher...
Start of the project: 2024-Oct-01
The first fundamental ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court on the numerus clausus (BVerfGE 33, 303ff.)...
Start of the project: 2024-Sept-01
The Dynamic Surveys for Dynamic Life Courses (DSDLC) project addresses three key challenges in the collection of life course data in self-administered...
Start of the project: 2024-Sept-01
The recent shift in evaluation systems to more diverse quality criteria has increased the visibility of lower...