Frauke Peter

Dr. Frauke Peter

Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
Deputy Head of Department
  • +49 511 450670-126
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Dr. Frauke Peter joined the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) in November 2019. She is deputy head of the Research Area "Educational Careers and Graduate Employment". Previously she worked as junior researcher (Ph.D. candidate) at the German Socio-Economic Panel Study at DIW Berlin (2008-2013) and as senior researcher (Post Doc) at the Department Education and Family at DIW Berlin (2013-2019). She holds a master's degree in Economics from Royal Holloway University of London and a Ph.D. in Economics from Freie Universität Berlin.

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List of projects

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DZHW-Research Group „Tenure Track“

List of publications

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Probieren geht über Studieren! Impulse zum Fachkräftemangel aus der Studienabbruchforschung.

Trennt, F., Carstensen, J., & Peter, F. (2024).
Probieren geht über Studieren! Impulse zum Fachkräftemangel aus der Studienabbruchforschung. (DZHW Brief 03|2024). Hannover: DZHW.

Application Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment.

Hermes, H., Lergetporer, P., Peter, F., & Wiederhold, S. (2024).
Application Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment. Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming (online first).

Why are children with lower socioeconomic status (SES) substantially less likely to be enrolled in child care? We study whether barriers in the application process work against lower-SES children — the group known to benefit strongest from child care enrollment. In an RCT in Germany with highly subsidized child care (N = 607), we offer treated families information and personal assistance for applications. We find substantial, equity-enhancing effects of the treatment, closing half of the large SES gap in child care enrollment. Increased enrollment for lower-SES families is likely driven by altered application knowledge and behavior. We discuss scalability of our intervention and derive policy implications for the design of universal child..

7: Tenure track career options to full professorship in German academia: recent developments and challenges.

Schwabe, U., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (2024).
7: Tenure track career options to full professorship in German academia: recent developments and challenges. In E. Pekkola & T. Siekkinen (Hrsg.), Tenure Tracks in European Universities (S. 116-135). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

War, international spillovers, and adolescents: Evidence from Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Anger, S., Christoph, B., Galkiewicz, A., Margaryan, S., Peter, F., Sandner, M., & Siedler, T. (2024).
War, international spillovers, and adolescents: Evidence from Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 224, 181-193.

Information intervention on long-term earnings prospects and the gender gap in major choice.

Peter, F., Schober, P., & Spiess, C. K. (2024).
Information intervention on long-term earnings prospects and the gender gap in major choice. European Sociological Review, 40(2), 258-275.

Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: 22. Sozialerhebung. Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in Deutschland 2021.

Kroher, M., Beuße, M., Isleib, S., Becker, K., Ehrhardt, M.-C., ... & Buchholz, S. (2023).
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: 22. Sozialerhebung. Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in Deutschland 2021. LCSS Working Papers (14). Hannover: x.

Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: 22. Sozialerhebung.

Kroher, M., Beuße, M., Isleib, S., Becker, K., Ehrhardt, M.-C., ... & Buchholz, S. (2023).
Die Studierendenbefragung in Deutschland: 22. Sozialerhebung. Die wirtschaftliche und soziale Lage der Studierenden in Deutschland 2021. Berlin: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

Males Should Mail? Gender Discrimination in Access to Childcare.

Hermes, H., Lergetporer, P., Mierisch, F., Peter, F., & Wiederhold, S. (2023).
Males Should Mail? Gender Discrimination in Access to Childcare. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 113, 427-431.

Übergänge im Bildungssystem.

Buchholz, S., & Peter, F. (2023).
Übergänge im Bildungssystem. In R. Arnold, E. Nuissl, & J. Schrader (Hrsg.), Wörterbuch Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung (S. 408). Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt.

How Early Childcare Can Boost the Labour Market Success of Lower-Educated Mothers.

Hermes, H., Krauss, M., Lergetporer, P., Peter, F., & Wiederhold, S. (15. April 2023).
How Early Childcare Can Boost the Labour Market Success of Lower-Educated Mothers [Blogbeitrag]. Abgerufen von

Gender gaps in early wage expectations.

Leibing, A., Peter, F., Waights, S., & Spieß, K. C. (2023).
Gender gaps in early wage expectations. Economics of Education Review , 94(June 2023), 102398.

Discrimination on the Child Care Market: A Nationwide Field Experiment.

Hermes, H., Lergetporer, P., Mierisch, F., Peter, F., & Wiederhold, S. (2023).
Discrimination on the Child Care Market: A Nationwide Field Experiment. CESifo Working Paper Series 10368. Munich: CESifo.

Einfach anders oder vielfältig verschieden? Ein differenzierter Blick auf Hochschulabsolvent*innen mit beruflicher Vorqualifikation.

Dahm, G., & Peter, F. (2023).
Einfach anders oder vielfältig verschieden? Ein differenzierter Blick auf Hochschulabsolvent*innen mit beruflicher Vorqualifikation. In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen. Wege in das, durch das und nach dem Studium (S. 223-262). Wiesbaden: Springer VS (online first).

Although, for decades, a high number of students in Germany have completed vocational education and training before starting university, higher education research has hardly considered vocationally pre-qualified students in a differentiated way. Against this background, this paper aims to paint a more detailed picture of higher education graduates with previous vocational education and training. Specifically, we will answer two questions: What distinguishes these graduates from others without previous vocational training? Moreover, how diverse is this group in itself? In addition to conducting an exploratory, descriptive comparison of various characteristics, including personality traits, this article uses a machine learning approach. ...

Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen.

Ordemann, J., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (Hrsg.) (2023).
Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen.Wege in das, durch das und nach dem Studium. Wiesbaden: Springer (online first).

Individual educational and life paths are far more diverse today than is often assumed. Many paths with and without a university entrance qualification lead to higher education at different points in time. Diversity persists in higher education and beyond. Students have different backgrounds, change their course of study, interrupt their studies, or drop out. The current findings in this anthology impressively explore this diversity, from the paths to a degree program to the labor market.

Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen – neue Aspekte, Erkenntnisse und Entwicklungen.

Ordemann, J., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (2023).
Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen – neue Aspekte, Erkenntnisse und Entwicklungen. In J. Ordemann, F. Peter, & S. Buchholz (Hrsg.), Vielfalt von hochschulischen Bildungsverläufen (S. 1-20). Wiesbaden: Springer (online first).

Educational and employment careers do not always follow a straight line, as the nine chapters of this volume demonstrate. The chapters cover various topics related to access to higher education and transition to the labour market. They address the direct and indirect pathways to higher education, the potential complexity of the decision-making involved, and possible returns to the multiple educational pathways. The variety of educational trajectories, the focus of the volume, has gained importance in empirical educational research, not least because there are now rich longitudinal data sets such as the DZHW Panel Study of School Leavers or the National Education Panel (NEPS). Only by monitoring individuals over an extended period ...


List of presentations & conferences

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Successful career paths to full professorship - A typology and analysis of influencing factors.

Kizilirmak, J. M., Buchholz, S., & Peter, F. (2024, September).
Successful career paths to full professorship - A typology and analysis of influencing factors. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Adressing inequalities in incomplete revolutions, European Consortium for Sociological Research, Barcelona, Spanien.

Skills to equalize the bills: How skills affect the early gender wage gap of college graduates.

Trennt, F. (2024, September).
Skills to equalize the bills: How skills affect the early gender wage gap of college graduates. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Addressing inequalities in incomplete revolutions ECSR 2024 conference, European Consortium for Sociological Research, Socio-Demography Group (DemoSoc) of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, Barcelona.

Skills to equalize the bills: How skills affect the early gender pay gap of college graduates.

Lorenz, N. (2024, Juni).
Skills to equalize the bills: How skills affect the early gender pay gap of college graduates. Poster auf der Konferenz Fourteenth International Workshop on Applied Economics of Education, Catanzaro, Italien.

Skills to equalize the bills: How skills affect the early gender pay gap of college graduates.

Lorenz, N. (2024, Juni).
Skills to equalize the bills: How skills affect the early gender pay gap of college graduates. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 6th Forum "Higher Education and the Labour Market", DZHW und IAB, Hannover, Deutschland.

6th Forum Higher Education and the Labour Market (HELM) with special focus on " The Bologna Process After 25 Years: Continuities, Changes, and Evaluations " .

Peter, F., Ordemann, J., & Christoph, B. (2024, Juni).
6th Forum Higher Education and the Labour Market (HELM) with special focus on "The Bologna Process After 25 Years: Continuities, Changes, and Evaluations", DZHW und IAB. Scientific Committee: Silke Anger (IAB & Univ. of Bamberg), Sandra Buchholz (DZHW & Univ. of Hanover), Bernhard Christoph (IAB), Anja Gottburgsen (DZHW), Monika Jungbauer-Gans (DZHW & Univ. of Hanover), Jessica Ordemann (DZHW), Frauke Peter (DZHW), Malte Sandner (TH Nuremberg & IAB), Hannover.

Skills to equalize the bills: How skills affect the early gender pay gap of college graduates.

Lorenz, N. (2024, März).
Skills to equalize the bills: How skills affect the early gender pay gap of college graduates. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 9th LEER Conference on Education Economics, Leuven, Belgien.

(Permanent) Position at a non-university institution? A personal career example.

Peter, F. (2023, November).
(Permanent) Position at a non-university institution? A personal career example. Vortrag im Rahmen des BAGSS & LIfBi Joint Lunchtime Talk, Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, Bamberg.

" Wird Studieren unbezahlbar? " .

Peter, F. (2023).
"Wird Studieren unbezahlbar?". Stellungnahme für den Artikel in der ZEIT, Nr. 46, S. 37, Hintergrundgespräch mit Anja Reiter.

Study abroad experience and the gender wage gap.

Cordua, F., Netz, N., & Peter, F. (2023, Oktober).
Study abroad experience and the gender wage gap. Vortrag im Rahmen des 5th Forum “Higher Education and the Labour Market“, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg, Deutschland.

High School Grades, Non-Cognitive Capabilities and Social Inequality in Higher Education Enrolment.

Grüttner, M., Peter, F., & Buchholz, S. (2023, Oktober).
High School Grades, Non-Cognitive Capabilities and Social Inequality in Higher Education Enrolment. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 2023 SLLS Annual Conference, Life Courses in Times of Uncertainty, Society for Life Course and Longitudinal Studies, München.

Career paths to professorship in Germany: A classification and description of critical factors.

Kizilirmak, Jasmin M. (2023, Oktober).
Career paths to professorship in Germany: A classification and description of critical factors. In J. Ordemann & K. Briedis (Vorsitz), Research in Higher Education in Germany: A Symposium on Longitudinal Studies in the Perspective of Institutional Contexts and Reforms. auf der Tagung SLLS Annual Conference: Life Courses in Times of Uncertainty, Munich, Germany.
  • conference programme
  • Study abroad experience and the gender wage gap.

    Cordua, F., Netz, N., & Frauke, P. (2023, September).
    Study abroad experience and the gender wage gap. Vortrag im Rahmen des Doktorand:innenseminar von Christiane Gross, Universität Würzburg, Deutschland.

    Fernsehinterview zum Thema Bildungsgerechtigkeit im Rahmen eines Berichtes über BAföG.

    Peter, F. (25.7.2023).
    Fernsehinterview zum Thema Bildungsgerechtigkeit im Rahmen eines Berichtes über BAföG. Gespräch mit S. Becker (Moderation), Nachrichtensendung SWR Aktuell Rheinland-Pfalz. SWR Fernsehen, Mainz.

    Study abroad experience and the gender wage gap.

    Netz, N., Peter, F., & Cordua, F. (2023, Juli).
    Study abroad experience and the gender wage gap. Vortrag im Rahmen der 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Universität Warschau.

    Study abroad experience and the gender wage gap.

    Netz, N., Peter, F., & Cordua, F. (2023, Juli).
    Study abroad experience and the gender wage gap. Vortrag im Rahmen der Fachkonferenz zum 50. Geburtstag des BiB, Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB), Wiesbaden.
    Curriculum Vitae
    Professional Experience
    since 11/2019

    Senior researcher (Post Doc) at German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Research Area "Educational Careers and Graduate Employment"

    04/2013 - 10/2019

    Senior Researcher (Post Doc) at DIW Berlin, Department Education and Family

    10/2008 - 03/2013

    Junior Researcher (Ph.D. candidate) at DIW Berlin, Department German Socio-Economic Panel Study, from January 2012 Department of Education and Family


    Internship at Urban Institute, Washington D.C., Center of Labor, Human Services, and Population, with Prof. Robert I. Lehrman


    Internship, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs in Berlin, Department of International Affairs and family-related benefits

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    Education and academic degrees
    09/2007 - 01/2013

    Ph.D. in Economics, Freie Universität Berlin, summa cum laude, received January 2013; Supervisors: Professor C. Katharina Spiess and Professor Ronnie Schöb

    09/2005 - 11/2006

    M.Sc. Economics, Royal Holloway University of London, pass with distinction, received November 2006

    01/2003 - 08/2005

    B.A. International Economics, American University of Paris, summa cum laude, received August 2005