Steffen Jaksztat

Dr. Steffen Jaksztat

Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
  • +49 511 450670-144
  • +49 511 450670-960
  • Orcid

List of projects

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Subjective and objective professional success of PhD holders in Germany
Research cluster: Returns on Tertiary Education

List of publications

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Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia.

Gross, C., & Jaksztat, S. (Hrsg.) (2024).
Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia. Special Edition 26 „Soziale Welt“. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Academic careers inside and outside academia—an overview of topics and contributions.

Jaksztat, S., & Gross, C. (2024).
Academic careers inside and outside academia—an overview of topics and contributions. In C. Gross & S. Jaksztat (Hrsg.), Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia (S. 9-19). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

How does obtaining a permanent employment contract affect the job satisfaction of doctoral graduates inside and outside academia?

Goldan, L., Jaksztat, S., & Gross, C. (2023).
How does obtaining a permanent employment contract affect the job satisfaction of doctoral graduates inside and outside academia? Higher Education, 86, 185-208.

Explaining employment sector choices of doctoral graduates in Germany.

Goldan, L., Jaksztat, S., & Gross, C. (2022).
Explaining employment sector choices of doctoral graduates in Germany. Research Evaluation, 2022, 1-13 (online first).

Laufbahnintentionen, Tätigkeitsbereiche und Berufserfolg von Promovierten.

Goldan, L., Jaksztat, S., & Gross, C. (2022).
Laufbahnintentionen, Tätigkeitsbereiche und Berufserfolg von Promovierten. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung(1), 30-51.

Back out or hang on? An event history analysis of withdrawal from doctoral education in Germany.

Jaksztat, S., Neugebauer, M., & Brandt, G. (2021).
Back out or hang on? An event history analysis of withdrawal from doctoral education in Germany. Higher Education, 82, 937-958.

DZHW-Promoviertenpanel 2014.

Brandt, G., de Vogel, S., Jaksztat, S., Lapstich, A.-M., Teichmann, C., Vietgen, S., & Wallis, M. (2020).
DZHW-Promoviertenpanel 2014. Daten-und Methodenbericht zu den Erhebungen der Promoviertenkohorte 2014 (Befragungswelle 1-5) (Version 4.0.0). Hannover: fdz.DZHW.

The DZHW Panel Study: Careers of PhD Holders 2014 is a panel study of the DZHW concerning the careers of doctoral graduates. The study analyses how the formal context as well as the learning and development conditions that PhD graduates experienced during their doctorate studies influence the transition into employment and the further development of their professional career, both within as well as outside academia. The basic population comprises all persons who obtained a doctorate degree from a higher education institution with the right to award doctorates in Germany in the examination year of 2014. [...] Full abstract:

Gesundheit als Gegenstand der Hochschulforschung: Erste Ergebnisse aus zwei DZHW-Studien mit Promovierenden und Promovierten.

Briedis, K., Carstensen, J., & Jaksztat, S. (2020).
Gesundheit als Gegenstand der Hochschulforschung: Erste Ergebnisse aus zwei DZHW-Studien mit Promovierenden und Promovierten. (DZHW Brief 2|2020). Hannover: DZHW.

Soziale Ungleichheiten in wissenschaftlichen Karrieren.

Jaksztat, S. (2018).
Soziale Ungleichheiten in wissenschaftlichen Karrieren. Dissertation. Hannover: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität.

DZHW-Pro­mo­vier­ten­pa­nel 2014.

Brandt, G., de Vogel, S., Jaksztat, S., Teichmann, C., Lange, K., Scheller, P., Vietgen, S. (2018).
DZHW-Pro­mo­vier­ten­pa­nel 2014. Methoden- und Datenbericht (Version 2.0.0). Hannover: fdz.DZHW.

The DZHW Panel Study: Careers of PhD Holders 2014 is a panel study of the DZHW concerning the careers of doctoral graduates. The study analyses how the formal context as well as the learning and development conditions that PhD graduates experienced during their doctorate studies influence the transition into employment and the further development of their professional career, both within as well as outside academia. The basic population comprises all persons who obtained a doctorate degree from a higher education institution with the right to award doctorates in Germany in the examination year of 2014. [...] Full abstract:

DZHW PhD Panel 2014.

Brandt, G., de Vogel, S., Jaksztat, S., Teichmann, C., Lange, K., Scheller, P., Vietgen, S. (2018).
DZHW PhD Panel 2014. Methoden- und Datenbericht (Version 2.0.0). Hannover: fdz.DZHW.

The DZHW Panel Study: Careers of PhD Holders 2014 is a panel study of the DZHW concerning the careers of doctoral graduates. The study analyses how the formal context as well as the learning and development conditions that PhD graduates experienced during their doctorate studies influence the transition into employment and the further development of their professional career, both within as well as outside academia. The basic population comprises all persons who obtained a doctorate degree from a higher education institution with the right to award doctorates in Germany in the examination year of 2014. The panel is designed as a census in order to generate [...] Full abstract:

Ausmaß, Entwicklung und Ursachen sozialer Ungleichheit beim Promotionszugang zwischen 1989-2009.

Jaksztat, S., & Lörz, M. (2018).
Ausmaß, Entwicklung und Ursachen sozialer Ungleichheit beim Promotionszugang zwischen 1989-2009. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 47 (1), 46-64.

Ein Instrument zur Erfassung der Lernumwelt Promotionsphase.

de Vogel, S., Brandt, G., & Jaksztat, S. (2017).
Ein Instrument zur Erfassung der Lernumwelt Promotionsphase. Zeitschrift für empirische Hochschulforschung, 1-2017, 24-44.

Geschlecht und wissenschaftliche Produktivität.

Jaksztat, S. (2017).
Geschlecht und wissenschaftliche Produktivität. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 46(5), 347-361.

Gekommen, um zu bleiben? Die Promotion als Wegbereiter wissenschaftlicher Karrieren.

Jaksztat, S., Brandt, G., de Vogel, S., & Briedis, K. (2017).
Gekommen, um zu bleiben? Die Promotion als Wegbereiter wissenschaftlicher Karrieren. WSI-Mitteilungen 70(5), 321-329.

List of presentations & conferences

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Career Mobility and Job Mismatch Among Doctorate Holders.

Jaksztat, S., & Kracke, N. (2024, Juni).
Career Mobility and Job Mismatch Among Doctorate Holders. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Beschäftigungsadäquanz, Forschungscluster Erträge tertiärer Bildung, Hannover.

Career Dynamics Unleashed: Professional Mobility and Job Mismatch Among Doctorate Holders.

Kracke, N. (2024, Mai).
Career Dynamics Unleashed: Professional Mobility and Job Mismatch Among Doctorate Holders. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 5th World Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, Eurasia Conferences, Wien, Österreich.

The tertiary education sector in Germany has seen significant recent growth, resulting in a heightened number of individuals obtaining doctoral degrees. A doctorate is not only a prerequisite for an academic career but is also considered a general professional qualification. Given the constrained employment opportunities within academia, characterized by a limited number of permanent researcher positions, the majority of doctorates must seek employment in other sectors. This raises the question of whether these highly educated individuals secure positions matching their qualifications. If individuals are mismatched employed, in the sense that their level of training exceeds the job requirements, parts of the human capital lie idle. This doe

What it means to be outnumbered in higher education.

Jaksztat, S. (2024, März).
What it means to be outnumbered in higher education. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Workshop zum Forschungsgruppenantrag "Outnumbered - Competencies of minorities in education and work", Universität Würzburg.

Parental leaves after doctoral graduation. How do they affect wages of male and female doctoral graduates?

Jaksztat, S. (2023, Oktober).
Parental leaves after doctoral graduation. How do they affect wages of male and female doctoral graduates? Vortrag auf der Konferenz Higher Education and the Labour Market (HELM), Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW), Nürnberg.

Changing Academic Careers II Lecture Series.

Carstensen, J., Euler, T., Fabian, G., Gäckle, S., Goldan, L., ... & Schwabe, U. (2022, Juni/Juli).
Workshop Changing Academic Careers II Lecture Series, DZHW, Universität Würzburg, LCSS, Universität Hannover, Hannover (online).

Wissenschaftliche Karrieren im Umbruch: Was macht erfolgreiche Wissenschaftler*innen aus?

Goldan, L., Gross, C., Jaksztat, S., Jungbauer-Gans, M., & Schwabe, U. (2022, März).
Symposium Wissenschaftliche Karrieren im Umbruch: Was macht erfolgreiche Wissenschaftler*innen aus auf der Tagung 9. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Bamberg.

Explaining employment sector choices of doctoral graduates in Germany.

Jaksztat, S., Goldan, L., & Gross, C. (2021, Dezember).
Explaining employment sector choices of doctoral graduates in Germany. Vortrag auf der Tagung (Re)connecting, (Re)building: Higher Education in Transformative Times, Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), London, United Kingdom.

Vertical and Horizontal (Mis)match Among Highly Qualified - Measurement Issues, Determinants and Consequences.

Carstensen, J., Euler, T., Fabian, G., Goldan, L., Grüttner, M., ... & Schwabe, U. (2021, November).
Vertical and Horizontal (Mis)match Among Highly Qualified - Measurement Issues, Determinants and Consequences, DZHW Research Cluster "Returns to Tertiary Education", DZHW Hannover.

How does being tenured affect the job satisfaction of doctoral graduates?

Jaksztat, S. (2021, November).
How does being tenured affect the job satisfaction of doctoral graduates? Vortrag auf der Konferenz 4th International TREE Conference, Universität Bern.

Explaining employment sector choices of doctoral graduates in Germany.

Jaksztat, S. (2021, September).
Explaining employment sector choices of doctoral graduates in Germany. Vortrag auf der Tagung „Higher Education and the Labour Market“ (HELM), IAB und DZHW.

Explaining employment sector choices of doctoral graduates in Germany.

Jaksztat, S., Goldan, L., & Gross, C. (2021, September).
Explaining employment sector choices of doctoral graduates in Germany. Vortrag auf dem Seminar DZHW Research Seminar, DZHW, Hannover.

Subjektiver und objektiver Berufserfolg von Promovierten in Deutschland - DFG-Projekt.

Jaksztat, S. (2021, Juni).
Subjektiver und objektiver Berufserfolg von Promovierten in Deutschland - DFG-Projekt. Vortrag im Rahmen des DZHW Nutzerbeirattreffens, Hannover, Deutschland.

Explaining employment sector choices among doctoral graduates in Germany.

Goldan, L., Jaksztat, S., & Gross, C. (2021, Juni).
Explaining employment sector choices among doctoral graduates in Germany. Vortrag im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Changing Academic Careers", DZHW, Universität Würzburg, LCSS, Universität Hannover, Hannover (online).

Changing Academic Careers Lecture Series.

Carstensen, J., Euler, T., Fabian, G., Goldan, L., Grüttner, M., ... & Schwabe, U. (2021, Juni).
Workshop Changing Academic Careers Lecture Series, DZHW, Universität Würzburg, LCSS, Universität Hannover, Hannover (online).

Perspektiven des Forschungsclusters Bildungserträge – Inhaltliches Update 2020 und Planung für 2021.

Carstensen, J., Euler, T., Goldan, L., Grüttner, M., Güleryüz, D., ... & Schwabe, U. (2020, November).
Workshop Perspektiven des Forschungsclusters Bildungserträge – Inhaltliches Update 2020 und Planung für 2021 Workshop des Forschungsclusters "Erträge tertiärer Bildung", DZHW, Hannover.