Bernd Kleimann is head of the Research Area "Governance in Higher Education and Science" at DZHW. He received his postdoctoral qualification (habilitation) in sociology with particular regard to higher education research and organisational sociology from the University of Kassel in 2015. In 2000 he was awarded a doctoral degree in philosophy from the University of Gießen. He studied philosophy and German literature at the Universities of Hagen, Marburg, and Tübingen and worked as researcher at the University of Hamburg. Before joining DZHW in 2014, he conducted research in the area of e-learning and higher education development at HIS GmbH in Hannover. He teaches at the University of Kassel and as a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences of Osnabrück.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Kleimann
Research Area Governance in Higher Education and Science
Head of Department
- +49 511 450670-363
- +49 511 450670-960
- Orcid
Academic research fields
Higher education institutions (with special regard to formal organisations), social theory and communication theory, organisational sociology, governance in higher education
List of projects
List of publications
Leistungsbewertung in Berufungsverfahren. Traditionswandel in der akademischen Personalselektion. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu dem qualitativen Datenbestand der DZHW-Studie LiBerTas 2016.Kleimann, M., İkiz-Akıncı, D., & Hückstädt, M. (2024).Leistungsbewertung in Berufungsverfahren. Traditionswandel in der akademischen Personalselektion. Daten- und Methodenbericht zu dem qualitativen Datenbestand der DZHW-Studie LiBerTas 2016. Hannover: DZHW. Abstract
On the basis of an analysis of maximally contrasting cases (universities, disciplines), it was investigated how the change in the appointment procedure affects the relationship between the actors involved and their enactment of institutional logics. Eight universities and four universities of applied sciences with different profiles were selected for this purpose. The analysis focussed on the subjects of sociology/social sciences (universities and universities of applied sciences), mechanical engineering (universities and universities of applied sciences), physics (universities) and medicine (universities) in order to cover subject-specific differences (with regard to tasks, [...] Full Abstract: |
Private higher education: a comparative study of Germany and the United Arab Emirates.Kleimann, B., & Ashour, S. (2024).Private higher education: a comparative study of Germany and the United Arab Emirates. Research Papers in Education, 39(1), 1-17. |
Qualitätsverständnis von Governance und Organisation.Kleimann, B. (2023).Qualitätsverständnis von Governance und Organisation. In T. Betz, T. Feldhoff, P. Bauer, U. Schmidt, & S.-H. Bernhard (Hrsg.), Handbuch Qualität in pädagogischen Feldern. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (online first). |
Responsivität deutscher Hochschulen in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft: Am Beispiel des Hochschulzugangs von Geflüchteten.Grüttner, M., Beigang, S., Schröder, S., Berg, J., & Kleimann, B. (2021).Responsivität deutscher Hochschulen in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft: Am Beispiel des Hochschulzugangs von Geflüchteten. ZDfm – Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung und -management, 6(2), 191-196. |
Qualitätssicherung von Berufungsverfahren an deutschen Kunsthochschulen.Kleimann, B., Walther, L., & Gerchen, A. (2021).Qualitätssicherung von Berufungsverfahren an deutschen Kunsthochschulen. Qualität in der Wissenschaft (QiW). Zeitschrift für Qualitätsentwicklung in Forschung, Studium und Administration, 15(3+4), 73-82. |
Die organisationale Ordnung des Bewertens: eine kommunikationssoziologische Grundlegung.Kleimann, B. (2021).Die organisationale Ordnung des Bewertens: eine kommunikationssoziologische Grundlegung. In F. Meier & T. Peetz (Hrsg.), Organisation und Bewertung (S. 71-99). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. |
Selection criteria in professorial recruiting as indicators of institutional similarity? A comparison of German universities and universities of applied sciences.Kleimann, B., & Hückstädt, M. (2021).Selection criteria in professorial recruiting as indicators of institutional similarity? A comparison of German universities and universities of applied sciences. Quality in Higher Education (online first). |
Formalising organisational responsibility for refugees in German higher education: the case of first contact positions.Berg, J., Gottburgsen, A., & Kleimann, B. (2021).Formalising organisational responsibility for refugees in German higher education: the case of first contact positions. Studies in Higher Education (online first). |
Leistungsbewertung in Berufungsverfahren. Traditionswandel in der akademischen Personalselektion.Kleimann, B., İkiz-Akıncı, D., & Hückstädt, M. (2019).Leistungsbewertung in Berufungsverfahren. Traditionswandel in der akademischen Personalselektion. Daten- und Methodenbericht zur qualitativen Erhebung der DZHW-Studie LiBerTas 2016. Version 1.0.0. Hannover: fdz.DZHW. Abstract
Based on an analysis of maximally contrasting cases (institutions of higher education, subjects) it was examined how the change in appointment procedures affects the relation of the participating actors and their enactment of institutional logics. For this purpose, eight universities and four Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) with different profiles were selected originally. The analysis is concentrated on the subjects sociology/social sciences (university + UAS), engineering (university + UAS), physics (university) and medicine (university) in order to cover subject-specific differences [...] Full abstract: |
Berufungsverfahren an deutschen Universitäten: Akteurkonstellationen und Bewertungskriterien.Kleimann, B. (2019).Berufungsverfahren an deutschen Universitäten: Akteurkonstellationen und Bewertungskriterien. In Y. Greiner & S. Meyer (Hrsg.), Berufungsverfahren: Von der Prozessoptimierung zum Kulturwandel. Mainzer Beiträge zur Hochschulentwicklung, Band 24 (S. 11-57). Mainz: Zentrum für Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung (ZQ). |
List of presentations & conferences
168 Übereinstimmungen gefunden / 1-15 16-30 31-45 46-60 61-75 76-90 91-105 106-120 121-135 136-150 151-165 166-168
since 05/2020
Professorship "Governance in Higher Education and Science" at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Kassel and Head of the research area 3 Governance in Higher Education and Science at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies
01/2016 - 05/2020
Acting Head of research area 3 Governance in Higher Education and Science at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies
Habilitation in Sociology at the University of Kassel
seit 10/2014
Researcher at the DZHW, research unit Governance, Financing, Evaluation
11/2013 - 10/2016
BMBF research project "LiBerTas - Performance Evaluation in Appointment Procedures - the Changing Tradition of Hiring Professors in Academia"
since 2010
Lecturer in the Masters's program "Science and Society" (Leibniz University Hannover)
2010 - 05/2013
DFG research project "University presidents as institutional entrepreneurs" (DFG reference GZ KL 1344/2-1) in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Eva Barlösius (Leibniz University Hannover)
seit 2009
Researcher and project manager in the "Higher Education Management" department of HIS GmbH, now DZHW since 9/2013 (HIS-HE)
2006 - 2009
Deputy Head of the department "Research and Teaching Management" at HIS GmbH
2001 - 2006
Researcher at HIS GmbH
2000 - 2001
Freelance management consultant
Postdoctoral scholarship (DFG Research Training Group Hamburg)
Doctorate in philosophy at the Justus Liebig University of Gießen
seit 1999
Lecturer (Universities of Rostock, FU Berlin, Hannover, Hildesheim)
Researcher at the department of Educational Sciences at the University of Hamburg
1994 - 1997
Doctoral fellow (DFG Research Training Group Hamburg)
Masters's degree (University of Tübingen), with distinction
- Board member of INCHER-Kassel
- Member of the board of trustees of the Center for Science and Research Management Speyer
- Co-editor of the journal Hochschulmanagement
- Member of the scientific advisory board of Wi-Ho Forschung
- Fellow at Leibniz Center for Science and Society (LCSS)