Sandra Buchholz

Prof. Dr. Sandra Buchholz

Research Area Educational Careers and Graduate Employment
Head of Department
  • +49 511 450670-176
  • +49 511 450670-960

Prof. Dr. Sandra Buchholz studied Sociology at Bielefeld University. She successfully completed her Ph.D. in 2008 and her postdoc qualification (Habilitation) in 2016, both at Bamberg University. From 2012 to 2017, she held a temporary appointment as Professor of Sociology in Bamberg. From 2017 to 2018, Sandra Buchholz has been interim Director of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories and Professor for Longitudinal Educational Research in Bamberg. In 2018, she joined DZHW as Head of the Research Area “Educational Careers and Graduate Employment”. Additionally, Sandra Buchholz holds the W3-Professorship "Quantitative Life Course Sociology" at Hanover University.

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Academic research fields

Educational research; life course research; social inequalities; social mobility and stratification; international comparative social structure analysis; labour market research; young people and their entry into the labour market; old age, entering retirement and retirement; wealth inequalities; gender-specific employment histories and family processes; comparison of welfare states, labour market regimes and educational systems; quantitative research methods (esp. longitudinal analysis methods)


List of projects

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National report on education "Education in Germany"

List of publications

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Globalized Labour Markets and Social Inequality in Europe.

Blossfeld, H.-P., Buchholz, S., Hofäcker, D., & Kolb, K. (2011).
Globalized Labour Markets and Social Inequality in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bildung im Globalisierungsprozess.

Blossfeld, H.-P., Hofäcker, D., & Buchholz, S. (2011).
Bildung im Globalisierungsprozess. In T. Mayer, R. Meyer, L. Milipoulos, P. Ohly & E. Weede (Hrsg.), Globalisierung im Fokus von Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (S. 319-336). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Changes in the Economy, the Labor Market, and Expectations for the Future: What Might Europe and the United States Look Like in 25 Years?

Buchholz, S., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2011).
Changes in the Economy, the Labor Market, and Expectations for the Future: What Might Europe and the United States Look Like in 25 Years? New Directions for Youth Development, 135, 17-25.

Jugend und Arbeit - Wachsende Beschäftigungsflexibilisierung und Erwerbsrisiken beim Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt.

Buchholz, S., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2011).
Jugend und Arbeit - Wachsende Beschäftigungsflexibilisierung und Erwerbsrisiken beim Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt. In W. Heitmeyer, J. Mansel & T. Olk (Hrsg.), Individualisierung von Jugend (S. 67-84). Weinheim/München: Juventa.

Selective Flexibilization and Deregulation of the Labour Market -The German Answer to Increased Needs for Employment Flexibility and its Consequences for Social Inequalities.

Buchholz, S., & Kolb, K. (2011).
Selective Flexibilization and Deregulation of the Labour Market -The German Answer to Increased Needs for Employment Flexibility and its Consequences for Social Inequalities. In H.-P. Blossfeld, S. Buchholz, D. Hofäcker & K. Kolb (Hrsg.), Globalized Labour Markets and Social Inequality in Europe (S. 25-45). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Growing Struggles to Become an Insider in Germany: Young People's Labour Market Entry and Phase of Labour Market Establishment Between 1984 and 2002.

Buchholz, S., & Kurz, K. (2011).
Growing Struggles to Become an Insider in Germany: Young People's Labour Market Entry and Phase of Labour Market Establishment Between 1984 and 2002. In H.-P. Blossfeld, D. Hofäcker, R. Rizza & S. Bertolini. (Hrsg.), Young People, the Losers of Globalization? Employment and Condition of Youth in Europe and in Italy (S. 35-58). Mailand: Franco Angeli.

Growing Struggles to Become an Insider in Germany - Young People's Labour Market Entry and Phase of Labour Market Establishment between 1984 and 2002.

Buchholz, S., & Kurz, K. (2011).
Growing Struggles to Become an Insider in Germany - Young People's Labour Market Entry and Phase of Labour Market Establishment between 1984 and 2002. Sociologia del lavoro, 124, 17-35.

The Development of Social Inequalities in the Globalization Process: A Comparison of Life Courses in Europe and the U.S.

Buchholz, S., Hofäcker, D., Kolb, K., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2011).
The Development of Social Inequalities in the Globalization Process: A Comparison of Life Courses in Europe and the U.S. Estudios Sociológicos, 29(85), 3-31.

Globalized Labour Markets and Social Inequality in Europe - Theoretical Framework.

Buchholz, S., Kolb, K., Hofäcker, D., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2011).
Globalized Labour Markets and Social Inequality in Europe - Theoretical Framework. In H.-P. Blossfeld, S. Buchholz, D. Hofäcker & K. Kolb (Hrsg.), Globalized Labour Markets and Social Inequality in Europe (S. 3-22). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Aging Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market - Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies.

Buchholz, S., Rinklake, A., Schilling, J., Kurz, K., Schmelzer, P., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2011).
Aging Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market - Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies. In H.-P. Blossfeld, S. Buchholz & K. Kurz (Hrsg.), Aging Populations, Globalization and the Labor Market: Comparing Late Working Life and Retirement in Modern Societies (S. 3-32). Cheltenham/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.

The Flexibilization of European Labor Markets and the Development of Social Inequalities - Comparing Evidence from Nine Globalized Countries.

Hofäcker, D., Kolb, K., Buchholz, S., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2011).
The Flexibilization of European Labor Markets and the Development of Social Inequalities - Comparing Evidence from Nine Globalized Countries. In H.-P.-Blossfeld, S. Buchholz, D. Hofäcker & K. Kolb (Hrsg.), Globalized Labour Markets and Social Inequality in Europe (S. 295-322). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wealth, Welfare State and Economic Inequality among the Elderly in Europe.

Skopek, N., Buchholz, S., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2011).
Wealth, Welfare State and Economic Inequality among the Elderly in Europe. Bamberg: Universität Bamberg.

Verstärkung sozialer Ungleichheiten im Prozess der Beschäftigungsflexibilisierung in Deutschland.

Buchholz, S., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2010).
Verstärkung sozialer Ungleichheiten im Prozess der Beschäftigungsflexibilisierung in Deutschland. In H.-G. Soeffner (Hrsg.), Unsichere Zeiten. Herausforderungen gesellschaftlicher Transformationen. Verhandlungen des 34. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Jena 2008. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Globalization, Institutional Filters and Changing Life Course. Patterns in Modern Societies: A Summary of the Results from the Globalife-Project.

Buchholz, S., Hofäcker, D., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2010).
Globalization, Institutional Filters and Changing Life Course. Patterns in Modern Societies: A Summary of the Results from the Globalife-Project. In R. Silbereisen & X. Chen (Hrsg.); Social Change and Human Development. Concepts and Results (S. 101-124), London: Sage.

Life Courses in the Globalization Process: About the Development of Social Inequalities in Modern Societies.

Buchholz, S., Hofäcker, D., Kolb, K., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (2010).
Life Courses in the Globalization Process: About the Development of Social Inequalities in Modern Societies. Soziologische Probleme Ungarn, XLII(1-2), 7-31.

List of presentations & conferences

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Die Umkehr von Frühverrentung in Deutschland – Chancen und Risiken des Paradigmenwechsels in der deutschen Rentenpolitik.

Buchholz, S. (2013, Juni).
Die Umkehr von Frühverrentung in Deutschland – Chancen und Risiken des Paradigmenwechsels in der deutschen Rentenpolitik. Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Berlin.

Are Academically Weak Youths Really Not Ready for Vocational Training? An Analysis of Vocational Training Trajectories of Youths with Low Cognitive Competencies in Switzerland.

Buchholz, S. (2012, September).
Are Academically Weak Youths Really Not Ready for Vocational Training? An Analysis of Vocational Training Trajectories of Youths with Low Cognitive Competencies in Switzerland. 20th Annual ‘Transitions in Youth’ Conference, Nijmegen.

Danish Country Study - Returns to Education, Lifelong Learning and Social Inequalities.

Buchholz, S. (2012, März).
Danish Country Study - Returns to Education, Lifelong Learning and Social Inequalities. eduLIFE Workshop, Bamberg.

Lifelong Learning, Returns to Education and Social Inequalities in Germany.

Buchholz, S. (2012, März).
Lifelong Learning, Returns to Education and Social Inequalities in Germany. eduLIFE Workshop, Bamberg.

Lifelong Learning in Modern Societies - Different National Regimes, Labor Market Outcomes and Social Inequalities.

Buchholz, S. (2012, März/Februar).
Lifelong Learning in Modern Societies - Different National Regimes, Labor Market Outcomes and Social Inequalities. eduLIFE Workshop, Bamberg.

Aging Populations, Globalization Pressure and Inequalities in Old Age – How Has Late Working Life and Retirement Changed in Modern Societies?

Buchholz, S. (2011, Dezember).
Aging Populations, Globalization Pressure and Inequalities in Old Age – How Has Late Working Life and Retirement Changed in Modern Societies? ECSR Conference, Dublin.

Gaining a Firm Foothold on the German Labor Market - An Investigation of Young People's Labor Market Chances since the mid-1980s.

Buchholz, S. (2011, September).
Gaining a Firm Foothold on the German Labor Market - An Investigation of Young People's Labor Market Chances since the mid-1980s. Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies International Conference " Life Course and Social Change: Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives " , Bielefeld.

Different Answers to Rising Flexibility Demands in the Globalization Process and its Consequences for Social Inequality.

Buchholz, S. (2011, Juni).
Different Answers to Rising Flexibility Demands in the Globalization Process and its Consequences for Social Inequality. SASE Annual Meeting, Madrid.

Aging Populations, Globalization Pressure and Inequalities in Old Age - Late Working Life and Retirement in Germany and Beyond.

Buchholz, S. (2011, Mai).
Aging Populations, Globalization Pressure and Inequalities in Old Age - Late Working Life and Retirement in Germany and Beyond. Gastvortrag an der Universität Jena.

Aging Populations, Globalization Pressure and Inequalities in Old Age - How Has Late Working Life and Retirement Changed in Modern Societies?

Buchholz, S. (2011, Mai).
Aging Populations, Globalization Pressure and Inequalities in Old Age - How Has Late Working Life and Retirement Changed in Modern Societies? TransEurope Final Conference, Sofia.

Aging Populations, Globalization Pressure and Inequalities in Old Age - How has Late Working Life and Retirement Changed in Modern Societies?

Buchholz, S. (2011, Mai).
Aging Populations, Globalization Pressure and Inequalities in Old Age - How has Late Working Life and Retirement Changed in Modern Societies? European University Institute, Florenz.

Distribution of Household Net Worth Among the Elderly in Europe.

Buchholz, S. (2010, Oktober).
Distribution of Household Net Worth Among the Elderly in Europe. ECSR Conference, Bamberg.

Trying to Meet the New Demands of Latest Pension Reforms – Older Persons’ Working Lives and Consequences on Pension Incomes in Germany.

Buchholz, S. (2010, September).
Trying to Meet the New Demands of Latest Pension Reforms – Older Persons’ Working Lives and Consequences on Pension Incomes in Germany. ECSR Conference, Bamberg.

Changing Work and Family in Germany - Background, Some Ideas and Data.

Buchholz, S. (2010, Juni).
Changing Work and Family in Germany - Background, Some Ideas and Data. EqualSoc Meeting " Changing Work and Family in Europe " , Universität Trento.

Arbeitsmarktstrukturen und Erwerbschancen in Deutschland im Wandel.

Buchholz, S. (2010, Juni).
Arbeitsmarktstrukturen und Erwerbschancen in Deutschland im Wandel. Stiftung Bildung und Beschäftigung, Bad Herrenalb.
Curriculum Vitae
Professional career
Jan. 2023

Seat on the Board of Trustees of the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)

Since June 2021

Co-Editor of the Journal for Labour Market Research

Oct. 2020

Appointed as Member of the LCSS Leibniz Center for Science and Society

Feb. 2020

Appointed as Member of the scientific advisory board of the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training [Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)]

Sept. 2019

Appointment as LIfBi Research Affiliate, Leibniz-Institute for Educational Trajectories

Since August 2018

Member of the Educational Report author group

April 2018

Appointment as Research Fellow, Leibniz Center for Science and Society

Since April 2018

Head of the Research Area 'Educational Careers and Graduate Employment' at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) and W3 Professor for Quantitative Life Course Sociology at Leibniz University Hanover

April 2017 - March 2018

Interim Director of the Leibniz-Institute for Educational Careers (LlfBi) and W3 Professorship for Longitudinal Educational Research at Bamberg University

Since Sept. 2012

Member of the National Educational Panel Study

Sept. 2012 - March 2017

Professor of Sociology, University of Bamberg

March 2007 - Aug. 2012

Senior Researcher, University of Bamberg

April 2003 - Feb. 2007

Junior Researcher in various international comparative research projects, University of Bamberg

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Education and academic degrees
Jan. 2017

Venia Legendi in Sociology, University of Bamberg

Nov. 2016

Habilitation in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, University of Bamberg

April 2003 - April 2008

PhD in Sociology (Dr. rer. pol.), Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, University of Bamberg
Summa cum laude

Oct. 1998 - March 2003

Diploma Studies in Sociology (with minors in Social Psychology), University of Bielefeld

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