Three quarters of the publications originating from Germany were (co-)financed by at least one research funding agency (data base Web of Science). The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) is a major contributor to the German publication output with a share of nearly 23% (Möller 2019). Even though almost all research funders request their grantees to acknowledge the funding background in their publications (funding acknowledgements), reliable information on which papers were funded by whom and what impact they achieve is only possible with a great deal of effort (extensive data cleaning).
The aim of the project, which is being conducted together with Forschungszentrum Jülich, is to investigate the extent to which grantees follow the DFG's guidelines, what problems are associated with the different spellings of the DFG and its programs, and how these can be solved. For this purpose, the bibliometric project uses text mining and natural language processing methods.