The Digitization of Scholarly Communication: Discourse and Practices, Measurements and Identity Formation

Start of the project: 2022-Jan-01 - End of the project: 2024-Dec-31

The digitalization and platformization of societal communication is currently changing many different realms such as democracy, media, finance, and culture. In the science system, these technological changes are not only altering the modes of knowledge presentation, but also the ways of (quantified) (e-) valuation and performance measurement. These processes take place in a phase of deep transformation in the relationship between science and society which is intensely discussed in various discourses about the uses of science in modern societies.

Against this backdrop, the project aims at investigating the modes and effects of the digitalization of scholarly communication in the context of the changing societal environments of science. We intent to explore: 1) the discourses on scholarly communication and academic identity in the digital age, 2) how digitalized scholarly communication is valued through measures and metrics, 3) how the changing values and affordances of scholarly communication affect academic identities, 4) and how such changes affect the organizational and professional uses of digital scholarly communications and its data.

The primary research goal of this project is to explore the ways by which the socio-technical as well as social forces of digitalization affect and restructure the field of scholarly communication and impact on the formation and display of academic identities. This entails several research questions:

  • How are academic and scholarly communication toward non-academic spheres maintained, disturbed, or transformed by the digitalization process?
  • How far is the change of the digitalized scholarly communication subfield-specific? Do the disciplines’ different epistemic cultures and different forms of social organization lead to specific patterns of digital presence?
  • How do societal expectations regarding the contribution of science to the solution of societal problems benefit from the digitalization of scholarly communication?
  • How do these processes modify the construction of value in academia and the formation of academic identities?

These questions will be tackled by deploying a multi-method research design, combining investigations into the discourses of scholarly communication with in-depth case studies of scholarly self-presentation and communication.

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Ideas Lab as funding instrument: navigating tensions in establishing transdisciplinary research projects.

Kaisler, R., Blümel, C., & Palfinger, T. (2024).
Ideas Lab as funding instrument: navigating tensions in establishing transdisciplinary research projects. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (online first).

What happens to science when it communicates openly?

Blümel, C., & Fecher, B. (31. Oktober 2023).
What happens to science when it communicates openly [Blogbeitrag].

The contribution deals with what happens when science opens up and communicates’ and the emerging challenges for future scientific communication.

MapOSR - A mapping review dataset of empirical studies on Open Science.

Lasser, J., Schneider, J., Lösch, T., Röwert, R., Heck, T., ... & Skupien, S. (2022).
MapOSR - A mapping review dataset of empirical studies on Open Science. F1000Research.

Research that investigates respective researchers’ engagement in Open Science varies widely in the topics addressed, methods employed, and disciplines investigated, which makes it difficult to integrate and compare its results. To investigate current outcomes of Open Science research, and to get a better understanding on well-researched topics and research gaps, we aimed at providing an openly accessible overview of empirical studies that focus on different aspects of Open Science in different scientific disciplines, academic groups and geographical regions. In this paper, we describe a data set of studies about Open Science practices retrieved following a PRISMA approach to compile a literature review.

Offener, agiler, partizipativer? Impulse für ein vielfältiges Forschungs- und Innovationssystem.

Blümel, C. (2022).
Offener, agiler, partizipativer? Impulse für ein vielfältiges Forschungs- und Innovationssystem. Forschung: Politik - Strategie - Management, 14, 68-72.

The role of digital visibilities of scholars in professorial appointment procedures: Heterogenous and controversial involvement.

Köchling, S. (2024, August).
The role of digital visibilities of scholars in professorial appointment procedures: Heterogenous and controversial involvement. Vortrag im Rahmen der European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Altmetrics and the liquification of research quality: how big data potentiality aligns research (evaluation) with platform capitalism.

Leckert, M., & Sachse, J. (2024, Juli).
Altmetrics and the liquification of research quality: how big data potentiality aligns research (evaluation) with platform capitalism. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Making and Doing Transformations, the 2024 quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Athena Institute at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Recent years have witnessed a revival of the old question what research quality is and how best to assess it. These debates have been propelled by the intermingling of new metrics and novel value concepts. We first relate researchers' quality conceptions to their appraisal of metric indicators (25 semi-structured interviews). Second, we contrast these views with 14 expert interviews about Altmetrics' perils and potentials. Valuing indicators that reflect scientific chains of production, researchers judge few Altmetrics as useful. Conversely, experts value Altmetrics' potentials to explore new impacts and align evaluation accordingly. Altmetrics exemplify a reterritorialization of research (evaluation) along the lines of platform capitalism.

The platformization of expertise and the ambiguous worth of Altmetrics.

Leckert, M., & Köchling, S. (2024, Mai).
The platformization of expertise and the ambiguous worth of Altmetrics. Vortrag auf der Tagung Expertise in Digitaler Transformation, Forschungsgruppe "Reorganisation von Wissenspraktiken" am Weizenbaum Institut in Kooperation mit der DGS-Sektion "Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung", Weizenbaum-Institut, Berlin.

Expertise in research (e-)valuation is a currently debated matter (CoARA, 2022; DORA, 2012; Wilsdon et al., 2015). The Altmetrics- (Priem et al., 2010) and the Leiden Manifesto (2015) exemplified diametrical visions of how expertise in assessing research should be distributed and practiced (Leckert, 2021). As inherently ambiguous measures, Altmetrics offer insights into how new forms of expertise arise, namely platformized information brokerage. We analyze how multi-dimensional ambivalences around Altmetrics are silenced by motifs of discursive convergence in order to show a) how research assessment is induced with new objectives, and b) how new forms of expertise re-distribute competences and responsibilities in research (e-) valuation.

Digitale Sichtbarkeiten in Berufungsverfahren: zur umstrittenen Einbindung neuer Entscheidungsaspekte.

Köchling, S. (2024, März).
Digitale Sichtbarkeiten in Berufungsverfahren: zur umstrittenen Einbindung neuer Entscheidungsaspekte. Poster auf der Tagung Soziale Digitalisierung, Multi‐Generation Smart Community (mGeSCo); Ernst-Ebbe Hochschule Jena, Jena, Deutschland.

Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit verstehen und entgegenwirken.

Blümel, C., Wandt, J., Fejes, M., & Fecher, B. (2023, November).
Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit verstehen und entgegenwirken. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Bielefeld.

Science-Specific Platforms: Formal Organizations for Scientific Infrastructures and Services.

Köchling, S., & Kleimann, B. (2023, Mai).
Science-Specific Platforms: Formal Organizations for Scientific Infrastructures and Services. Vortrag auf der Konferenz STS Conference Graz 2023 „Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies“, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Österreich.

Digitalization of Science Communication & Scholarly Communication.

Blümel, C. (2023, April).
Digitalization of Science Communication & Scholarly Communication. Impulsvortrag auf der Tagung Talking about Zoonoses - how to communicate science, Nationale Forschungsplattform für Zoonosen, Hannover.

Quality, impact, productivity: Researchers' conceptions of bibliometric indicators and altmetrics.

Sachse, J., & Leckert, M. (2022, Oktober).
Quality, impact, productivity: Researchers' conceptions of bibliometric indicators and altmetrics. Vortrag auf dem Workshop Metrics 2022: ASIS&T Virtual Workshop on Informetrics and Scientometrics Research, Association for Information Science & Technology.

Bibliometric measures are increasingly used in academic funding and hiring situations. Although rather vaguely described as “impact” or “performance” indicators, they often appear to be equaled with research quality. Altmetrics challenge established bibliometric evaluation concepts by promoting alternative notions of impact: Attention, visibility or societal relevance are some of the concepts that may be used to charge metrics with value and thus add to the many dimensions of quality. Research quality, however, is a hard to define concept. Researchers are likely to express different understandings of quality, influenced by their fields’ shared epistemic and cultural beliefs.

Die Digitalisierung wissenschaftlicher Kommunikation und die Rolle von Organisationen.

Köchling, S. (2022, Oktober).
Die Digitalisierung wissenschaftlicher Kommunikation und die Rolle von Organisationen. Vortrag auf der Tagung 5. INSIST-Nachwuchstagung: Wissenschaft und Technologie Kommunizieren: Kontroversität, Dialog und Partizipation, INSIST (Interdisciplinary Network for Studies Investigating Science and Technology), Berlin.

Challenges of Digital Scholarly Communication on Platforms: Science, Economy, and Organizations in Social Systems Theory.

Köchling, S., & Kleimann, B. (2022, September).
Challenges of Digital Scholarly Communication on Platforms: Science, Economy, and Organizations in Social Systems Theory. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Luhmann Conference: Scientific Communication - Observed with Social Systems Theory, Inter-University Centre (IUC) of post-graduate studies, Dubrovnik, Kroatien.

Conceptualizing digital science communication: affordances, values, contestations.

Blümel, C. (2022, Mai).
Conceptualizing digital science communication: affordances, values, contestations. Vortrag auf der Konferenz STS Graz 2022, Graz, Österreich.

Digital contestations of openness: dynamics and frictions in digitized scholarly communication.

Blümel, C. (2022, Mai).
Digital contestations of openness: dynamics and frictions in digitized scholarly communication. Vortrag auf der Konferenz STS Conference Graz 2022, Graz, Österreich.

Open Science, it is often held, aims at enhancing the science and society relationship by making science more open, transparent, and accessible to the public, thereby restoring trust in scholarly knowledge production. Yet, in order to restore trust and to make science more accountable to the public, scholars are also expected to more openly communicate their ideas and findings to the public, exploring new channels for communication and interaction with wider audiences. This session aims to explore which frictions such practices of open communication face in the light digitalization.

Deterritorialization of Digital Science Communication – The Case of Altmetrics.

Leckert, M. (2022, Mai).
Deterritorialization of Digital Science Communication – The Case of Altmetrics. Vortrag auf der Konferenz 20th STS Conference Graz 2022 , Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria.

The advance of Open Science by Digital science communication (DSC) has been a major argument in promoting Altmetrics. Such metrifications of DSC have turned out to be a profitable business: Collected from commercial online platforms, aggregated by for-profit companies, showcased by most large publishers. While the question "what do they mean" remains, Altmetrics are reflected back on scientists, scoring their work alongside citation measures. By analyzing interviews with both researchers active in DSC and experts from the Altmetrics field, this contribution contrasts scientists' situated online behavior with its re(e-)valuation in aggregated form. This allows to study the production of reactive potentials in science (e-) valuation.


Open Up Data Reuse: Wie kann eine neue Forschungsdaten Governance aussehen?

Blümel, C. (2023).
Open Up Data Reuse: Wie kann eine neue Forschungsdaten Governance aussehen auf der Konferenz 9. Konferenz für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten, RatSWD, Berlin.

Contact persons

Clemens Blümel
Clemens Blümel +49 30 2064177-31
Bernd Kleimann
Prof. Dr. Bernd Kleimann +49 511 450670-363


Stella Maria Köchling Max Leckert

Funded by
