Start of the project: 2018-Jun-01 - End of the project: 2021-Aug-31

The seventh round of the EUROSTUDENT project started in June 2018. EUROSTUDENT is an international survey project collecting data on the social and economic conditions of student life in Europe. The EUROSTUDENT dataset covers all important aspects of student life: access to higher education, students’ demographic and educational background, types and modes of study, time budget and employment, students’ income and expenditure, types of housing, and international mobility.

Participants in EUROSTUDENT VII
Participants in EUROSTUDENT VII

The project is characterised by a decentralised network structure. Each participant country is responsible for conducting a national study according to the central EUROSTUDENT conventions. EUROSTUDENT provides a central core questionnaire as well as several handbooks detailing standards for data collection, calculation, and delivery. The project is jointly conducted by an international consortium made up of seven organisations from different European countries, led by the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW). An international Steering Board representing stakeholders, policy-makers and participant countries provides the project with advice and monitors its progress. The current round of the EUROSTUDENT project is taking place from June 2018 to May 2021.

Project results can be used to reflect the social dimension of higher education from a national perspective in contrast to the international context provided by the project. This enables (re-)evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the system and provides opportunities for mutual peer learning. Project results are also delivered to the Bologna Process Implementation Report which is compiled by the European Commission. EUROSTUDENT VII results will be published in the spring of 2021.

The project website provides up-to-date information on project activities.

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Whole project


Eurostudent VII. Micro Data. Data and methods report SUF version 2.0.

Cuppen, J., Muja, A., Hauschildt, K., Buck, D., & Daniel, A. (2022).
Eurostudent VII. Micro Data. Data and methods report SUF version 2.0. Hannover: DZHW.

The EUROSTUDENT project collects and analyses comparable data on the social dimension of European higher education. A wide range of topics related to students’ social and economic conditions are covered. The project strives to provide reliable and insightful cross-country comparisons. It does this through coupling a central coordination approach with a strong network of national partners in each participating country. In this way, an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the respective national frameworks in international comparison can be made. The main users of our findings are higher education policy-makers at national and European level, [...] Full abstract:

Krisenbewältigung beim BAföG durch einen Systemwechsel?

Gwosć, C., & van der Beek, G. (2022).
Krisenbewältigung beim BAföG durch einen Systemwechsel? Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 102(6), 479-485.

Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe.

Hauschildt, K., Gwosć, C., Schirmer, H., & Wartenbergh-Cras, F. (2021).
Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT VII Synopsis of Indicators 2018–2021. Bielefeld: wbv.

The EUROSTUDENT VII – Synopsis of Indicators is the central publication of the EUROSTUDENT project and the result of the collaboration of a European-wide network. It comprises data from student surveys conducted in 25 countries in the European Higher Education Area during the seventh round of the EUROSTUDENT project. Adopting a broad, comparative perspective, the EUROSTUDENT VII – Synopsis of Indicators provides information on students’ socio-economic and study-related backgrounds, their study conditions and experiences, including international mobility, and their living conditions. It aims to inspire policy debates on the topic of the social dimension and lay the ground for further research.

What determines students’ social integration in higher education?

Muja, A., Mandl, S., Cuppen, J., & Hauschildt, K. (2021).
What determines students’ social integration in higher education? EUROSTUDENT VII Thematic Review. Wijchen: Benda druk & print.

Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe, Conference Version: EUROSTUDENT Synopsis of Indicators 2018-2021.

Hauschildt, K., Gwosć, C., Schirmer, H., & Wartenbergh-Cras, F. (Hrsg.). (2021).
Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe, Conference Version: EUROSTUDENT Synopsis of Indicators 2018-2021. Hannover: DZHW.

Eurostudent VII. Micro Data. Data and methods report.

Cuppen, J., Muja, A., Hauschildt, K., Buck, D., & Daniel, A. (2021).
Eurostudent VII. Micro Data. Data and methods report. Hannover: DZHW.

The EUROSTUDENT project collects and analyses comparable data on the social dimension of European higher education. A wide range of topics related to students’ social and economic conditions are covered. The project strives to provide reliable and insightful cross-country comparisons. It does this through coupling a central coordination approach with a strong network of national partners in each participating country. In this way, an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the respective national frameworks in international comparison can be made. [...] Full abstract:

The European Higher Education Area in 2020.

European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, Crosier, D., Ferencz, I., Hauschildt, K., Kocanova, D., Racké, C., ... & Wulk, S. (2020).
The European Higher Education Area in 2020. Bologna Process Implementation Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

This edition of the Bologna Process Implementation Report charts important progress made over two decades when it comes to mobility, quality assurance and recognition, but also points to the work needed in the future. The report shows how European higher education systems advanced with concerted national reforms. This in itself is a remarkable achievement. Nevertheless, the process was not all plain sailing. Some countries moved faster than others, and some embedded reforms more deeply. As a result of reaching different levels of implementation, the foundations of the European Higher Education Area are not yet stable enough. Students, researchers and higher education institutions may still face unnecessary obstacles in their work together.

Financial difficulties' relation to students' health.

Schirmer, H. (2020).
Financial difficulties' relation to students' health. EUROSTUDENT Intelligence Brief 2020 (1). Hannover: DZHW.

This Intelligence Brief takes a closer look at students’ health. Compared to the overall population of the same age, students less often perceive their health as good or very good. Logistic regression analyses with German student data show strong and negative relations between financial difficulties and students’ health perception. Additionally, a cross-country comparison with EUROSTUDENT data consistently shows comparatively large shares of impaired students among those with financial difficulties. The findings indicate that policy makers should pay special attention to both impaired and financially challenged students in order to ensure their successful higher education participation and prevent negative societal effects of poor health.

The social dimension of student life in the European Higher Education Area in 2019. Selected indicators from EUROSTUDENT VII.

Hauschildt, K., Gwosć, C., Schirmer, H., & Cras, F. (2020).
The social dimension of student life in the European Higher Education Area in 2019. Selected indicators from EUROSTUDENT VII. Hanover, Germany: DZHW.

This publication presents indicators on the social dimension of higher education in the European Higher Education Area in four key areas: Demographics and social background of students, transition and access into higher education, students’ employment, and the financial situation of students. To what extent can students of different backgrounds be found within the higher education systems? How open and flexible are European higher education systems in providing access to students entering higher education at different points in their lives, and with different past experiences? What are the circumstances under which students pursue their studies and how do they make a living?

Students’ time budget in European comparative perspective. Results of the 6th round of EUROSTUDENT and an in-depth analysis of the Hungarian student survey.

Vögtle, E. M., & Hámori, Á. (2020).
Students’ time budget in European comparative perspective. Results of the 6th round of EUROSTUDENT and an in-depth analysis of the Hungarian student survey. In D. Großmann, C. Engel, J. Junkermann & T. Wolbring (Hrsg.), Studentischer Workload. Definition, Messung und Einflüsse (S. 145-177). Wiesbaden; Springer VS.

This contribution investigates students’ time budget across 28 European Higher Education Area member countries from a (descriptive) comparative perspective and it provides an in-depth analysis for Hungarian students. Whether students spend more time in direct interaction with teaching staff, or studying on their own, reflects the varying requirements set by different types of higher education institutions, fields of study, and study programmes. Additionally, time investments vary among different groups of students

20 years of the Bologna Process: Achievements and difficulties in tackling the social dimension of student life in Europe.

Vögtle, E. (2019).
20 years of the Bologna Process: Achievements and difficulties in tackling the social dimension of student life in Europe. (DZHW Brief 2|2019). Hannover: DZHW.

Arme Studierende, reiche Studierende - Determinanten der Einnahmenkonzentration unter Studierenden im europäischen Vergleich.

Gwosć, C., & Schirmer, H. (2023, Juli).
Arme Studierende, reiche Studierende - Determinanten der Einnahmenkonzentration unter Studierenden im europäischen Vergleich. Vortrag auf der Konferenz des Netzwerks Hochschulforschung Österreich: Transition and Transformation in Higher Education, Netzwerk Hochschulforschung Österreich, Wien, Österreich.

Student financing in the European Higher Education Area.

Gwosć, C. (2023, Mai).
Student financing in the European Higher Education Area. Vortrag im Rahmen des Experteninterviews zu Market analysis on student financing, Europäische Investitionsbank, Wien, Österreich.

Poverty and precariousness of students in Europe – what EUROSTUDENT can tell.

Gwosć, C. (2023, März).
Poverty and precariousness of students in Europe – what EUROSTUDENT can tell. Vortrag auf dem Seminar Poverty and precariousness of students in Europe, Cop1 - Solidarités Étudiantes, Paris, Frankreich.

Student funding by different welfare state principles - an empirical system comparison.

Gwosć, C. (2022, Oktober).
Student funding by different welfare state principles - an empirical system comparison. Vortrag im Rahmen der EUROSTUDENT Talks (Webinar), EUROSTUDENT VIII Projekt, Tallinn.

Exploring students’ higher education experience internationally – Rationale, challenges, results.

Gwosć, C. (2022, September).
Exploring students’ higher education experience internationally – Rationale, challenges, results. Vortrag auf der Konferenz Romanian student satisfaction with the higher education experience, Uefiscdi (The Executive Unit for the Financing of Higher Education and Research) Romania, Bukarest, Romania.

Zugang zum Studium im Europäischen Hochschulraum: Flexibilität für diverse Lebenssituationen?

Hauschildt, K., & Schirmer, H. (2021, November).
Zugang zum Studium im Europäischen Hochschulraum: Flexibilität für diverse Lebenssituationen? Vortrag im Rahmen der Open BTU, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.

EUROSTUDENT International Student Mobility (ISM) Data.

Schirmer, H. (2021).
EUROSTUDENT International Student Mobility (ISM) Data. Vortrag im Rahmen des Meeting 3 – Comparability of Credit Mobility Data der ACA Thematic Peer Group (TPG) “Research on international higher education” , Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), Brüssel, Belgium.

EUROSTUDENT VII. Selected results from the Synopsis of Indicators.

Hauschildt, K. (2021, August).
EUROSTUDENT VII. Selected results from the Synopsis of Indicators. Vortrag auf dem Seminar EUROSTUDENT Talks Webinar, August 25th, 2021.

Funding of students in higher education in Germany and Europe.

Gwosć, C., & Hauschildt, K. (2021).
Funding of students in higher education in Germany and Europe. Stellungnahme im Rahmen des Fi-compass factsheet: financial instruments for education and skills , European Investment Bank, Hannover, Deutschland.

EUROSTUDENT VII Selected results from the Synopsis of Indicators 2018-2021.

Hauschildt, K., Gwosć, C., Schirmer, H., & Wartenbergh-Cras, F. (2021, Mai).
EUROSTUDENT VII Selected results from the Synopsis of Indicators 2018-2021. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EUROSTUDENT final conference, EUROSTUDENT Consortium, hosted by DZHW, Hannover, Deutschland.

Panel discussant.

Hauschildt, K. (2021, März).
Panel discussant. Vortrag im Rahmen des Student & Staff perspectives on Inclusion and Belonging in Mobility: Report launch, SIEM project, Erasmus Student Network, Brussels, Belgien.

EUROSTUDENT VII. Collecting data on the social and economic conditions of students in Europe.

Hauschildt, K. (2020, September).
EUROSTUDENT VII. Collecting data on the social and economic conditions of students in Europe. Presentation at the webinar " Opiskelijatutkimus 2019 " by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture (online).

Eurostudent VII micro data for international research and statistical non-profit purposes.

Hauschildt, K., Cuppen, J. , Buck, D., & Daniel, A. (2020, Februar).
Eurostudent VII micro data for international research and statistical non-profit purposes. Vortrag auf dem EUROSTUDENT Researchers' Forum 2020, Vilnius, Litauen.

Incentives in social surveys.

Schirmer, H. (2020, Februar).
Incentives in social surveys. Impuls-Vortrag auf dem EUROSTUDENT VII Researchers' Forum in Vilnius.

Why do students rate their general health lower than their counterparts on the labor market do?

Boughaba, Y., & Schirmer, H. (2020, Februar).
Why do students rate their general health lower than their counterparts on the labor market do? Vortrag auf dem EUROSTUDENT VII Researchers' Forum in Vilnius.

EUROSTUDENT - Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe.

Hauschildt, K. (2020, Januar).
EUROSTUDENT - Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. Posterpräsentation auf dem Workshop zum Informationsaustausch zwischen BMBF, DAAD und DZHW. DZHW Hannover.

The public student support system in Germany - Features, achievements, challenges.

Gwosć, C. (2019, Juni).
The public student support system in Germany - Features, achievements, challenges. Vortrag vor The Panel of International Experts on Student Finance - " Prospects for Reform of the Student Support in Poland " . Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland; Warschau, Polen.

Precariousness of students in Europe - what does EUROSTUDENT tell us?

Hauschildt, K. (2018, Oktober).
Precariousness of students in Europe - what does EUROSTUDENT tell us? Presentation at the European Social Action Network seminar " Poverty and precarious students in Europe " , Brussels, Belgium, 22.10.2018.

Transition into higher education of underrepresented groups and their study choices.

Vögtle, E. M. (2018, September).
Transition into higher education of underrepresented groups and their study choices. Vortrag auf der Tagung " Vielfalt und Implikationen studentischer Lebenslagen " zur 21. Sozialerhebung im Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover.

With the introduction of higher education institutions following a different model than ‘traditional’ universities, access to higher education has been diversified. However, recent research has indicated that this institutional diversification is often accompanied by an increased degree of stratification with different types of institutions, or individual institutions, conveying different levels of prestige and, possibly, labour market returns (Arum, Gamoran, & Shavit, 2007; Reimer & Jacob, 2011; Triventi, 2013; Marconi, 2015; Marginson, 2016). Furthermore, existing research points towards the fact that students from disadvantaged backgrounds tend to concentrate in lower-prestige higher education institutions.

Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe.

Hauschildt, K. (2018, Juli).
Social and economic conditions of student life in Europe. Presentation at Complutense University Madrid Summer Course " Estudiantes universitarios después de la crisis: condiciones de vida en la universidad " [University students after the crisis: living conditions at university]. El Escorial, Spain, 17.7.2018.

Inequalities in social and economic conditions of student life in Europe. Findings from EUROSTUDENT.

Hauschildt, K. (2018, Juli).
Inequalities in social and economic conditions of student life in Europe. Findings from EUROSTUDENT. Presentation at Centre for Global Education Seminar 86, London, United Kingdom, 12.7.2018.

EUROSTUDENT data provide a comprehensive, comparative overview of students' social and economic conditions in 28 countries of the European Higher Education Area.


EUROSTUDENT VII final conference.

Hauschildt, K., Maroun, M., Magro, J. M., & Frankel, B. (2021).
EUROSTUDENT VII final conference, online.

The conference is the main project event and serves to showcase and discuss the results and insights achieved through EUROSTUDENT by bringing together the involved stakeholders, researchers, and project teams, as well as interested project-external participants.

Data Sets

FDZ-DZHW, EUROSTUDENT VII. (2024). Eurostudent VII. Retrieved from: 10.21249/DZHW:es7:3.2.0

Contact person

Kristina Hauschildt
Dr. Kristina Hauschildt +49 511 450670-193


Dr. Christoph Gwosć Hendrik Schirmer Dr. Eva Maria Vögtle

Project website

In cooperation with

Bundesamt für Statistik Schweiz Institut für Höhere Studien Wien National Commission for Further and Higher Education Praxis Centre for Policy Studies Foundation Research and Higher Education Monitoring And Analysis Centre ResearchNed

Funded by

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung Erasmus+ programme of the European Union Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands