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Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe.

Hauschildt, K. (Hrsg.) (2024).
Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT 8 Synopsis of Indicators 2021–2024. Bielefeld: wbv Publikation.

The EUROSTUDENT 8 – Synopsis of Indicators is the central publication of the eighth round of the EUROSTUDENT project and the result of the collaboration of a European-wide network including researchers, data collectors, representatives of national ministries, and other stakeholders. It comprises data from student surveys conducted in 25 countries in the EHEA. Adopting a broad, comparative perspective, the Synopsis of Indicators provides information on students’ socio-economic and study-related backgrounds, their study conditions and experiences, including international mobility, and their living conditions. It aims to inspire policy debates on the topic of the social dimension and lay the ground for further research.

Transition into and within higher education.

Schirmer, H. (2024).
Transition into and within higher education. In Hauschildt, K. (Hrsg.), Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT 8 Synopsis of Indicators 2021–2024 (S. 84-105). Bielefeld: wbv Publikation.

Types and modes of study.

Schirmer, H. (2024).
Types and modes of study. In Hauschildt, K. (Hrsg.), Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT 8 Synopsis of Indicators 2021–2024 (S. 106-125). Bielefeld: wbv Publikation.

International student mobility.

Schirmer, H. (2024).
International student mobility. In Hauschildt, K. (Hrsg.), Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT 8 Synopsis of Indicators 2021–2024 (S. 264-287). Bielefeld: wbv Publikation.

Characteristics of national student populations.

Hauschildt, K. (2024).
Characteristics of national student populations. In Hauschildt, K. (Hrsg.), Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT 8 Synopsis of Indicators 2021–2024 (S. 32-61). Bielefeld: wbv Publikation.

Socio-economic background of students.

Hauschildt, K. (2024).
Socio-economic background of students. In Hauschildt, K. (Hrsg.), Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT 8 Synopsis of Indicators 2021–2024 (S. 62-82). Bielefeld: wbv Publikation.

Policy considerations.

Hauschildt, K. (2024).
Policy considerations. In Hauschildt, K. (Hrsg.), Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe. EUROSTUDENT 8 Synopsis of Indicators 2021–2024 (S. 288-295). Bielefeld: wbv Publikation.

Neuer Bildungstrichter: Trotz Akademisierungsschub immer noch ungleicher Zugang zur Hochschule.

Kracke, N., Schwabe, U., & Buchholz, S. (2024).
Neuer Bildungstrichter: Trotz Akademisierungsschub immer noch ungleicher Zugang zur Hochschule. (DZHW Brief 02|2024). Hannover: DZHW.

Bildung in Deutschland 2024. Ein indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zu beruflicher Bildung.

Autor:innengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung (2024).
Bildung in Deutschland 2024. Ein indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zu beruflicher Bildung.

War, international spillovers, and adolescents: Evidence from Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Anger, S., Christoph, B., Galkiewicz, A., Margaryan, S., Peter, F., Sandner, M., & Siedler, T. (2024).
War, international spillovers, and adolescents: Evidence from Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 224, 181-193 (online first).

Arbeitsmarkterträge eines Studiums für beruflich Qualifizierte. Hochschulabsolvent*innen mit und ohne vorakademische Ausbildung im Vergleich.

Dahm, G. (2024).
Arbeitsmarkterträge eines Studiums für beruflich Qualifizierte. Hochschulabsolvent*innen mit und ohne vorakademische Ausbildung im Vergleich. Working Paper Forschungsförderung (325). Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.

The level and development of university students’ social integration: personality traits and person-environment fit predict integration with fellow students and teaching staff.

Jusri, R., & Lechner, C. (2024).
The level and development of university students’ social integration: personality traits and person-environment fit predict integration with fellow students and teaching staff. Higher Education.

Studierende mit gesundheitlicher studienerschwerender Beeinträchtigung.

Gerdes, F., Schwabe, U., Steinkühler, J., & Kroher , M. (2024).
Studierende mit gesundheitlicher studienerschwerender Beeinträchtigung. Public Health Forum, 32(2), 69-76.

The article focuses on students with health impairments that have adverse effects on their studies, within the German higher education system. Using data from “The student survey in Germany: best: Studying with health impairments” we present current results on the composition of this group, on their drop-out intention and experienced discrimination during their studies. There exist notable differences within this group according to the type and severity of impairment.

Does gender composition in a field of study matter? Gender disparities in college students’ academic self-concepts.

Fiedler, I., Buchholz, S., & Schaeper, H. (2024).
Does gender composition in a field of study matter? Gender disparities in college students’ academic self-concepts. Research in Higher Education (online first).

Digitalisation of teaching, learning, and student life.

Schirmer, H. (2024).
Digitalisation of teaching, learning, and student life. EUROSTUDENT 8 Topical module report. Tallinn: Praxis think tank.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digitalisation of higher education, presenting both opportunities and challenges. It acted as a universal catalyst for digitalization. This (forced) boost of digitalisation creates both: Possibilities for increased inclusion of underrepresented student groups in higher education on the one hand, and challenges with regards to an inflexible overreliance on digital formats for other student groups on the other hand. This report examines the interplay between institutional services, student needs, and study modes, aiming to understand their impact on satisfaction and success in higher education.


Sandra Buchholz
Prof. Dr. Sandra Buchholz Head +49 511 450670-176
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